
To be fair that metal suit doesn’t mean it’s a human suit. While I am in love with the idea of a real life Iron Man suit, if Robert Downey Jr doesn’t go full Tony and fund it with all his Disney Bucks, then it’s just not the same.

I honestly wish I could star this more than once just for the mere mention of Sol LeWitt.

I came in expecting memes and all I got was a image macro. I wouldn’t say I am pissed but slightly peeved.

At least Gary Glitters other interest didn’t become a defining part of Glam Rock.

“Disney was getting sick of all the tumblr fanfic”

Who isn’t getting sick of tumblr and their fanfics?

Well Gawker media do seem quite keen on making their headline on Facebook articles put Facebook in a bad light even if the actual article shows the opposite. Maybe because of Peter Thiel.

Glad to hear I’m not the only one with this problem. I understand that you swipe in directions to access things but then some parts react to a swipe or a press and then they don’t a second later. Wasn’t there meant to be some sort of update to make it more of a chat style application too?

I finally tried Snapchat the other day, holy fuck that is some confusing layout. Bloody young ones with their confusing to use apps.

That’s the single most annoying enemy in HL2, not the scanner.

Nope, that was one of the weird problems with the first trailer. It gave the impression it was a follow on instead of a total new reboot.

Though is this going to be Netflix worldwide with them saying they wanted to make their offering more balanced across the globe, or at we looking at a Netflix US only deal like most things?

Well I’d rather a big company tried something unique that failed that we can still look back and appreciate that they at least tried instead of churning out another glass brick with specs only slightly better than every other big company.

Then by that logic, isn’t it a spoiler for any of the cast?

“says it’s so that the app can go into low power mode.” How about it’s always in a low power mode if it has the ability to go into one? Stop wasting battery life for no reason.

Oh I would totally love a Ghostbusters with Seth Rogan, and his crew of hilarious male friends too.


Layer dirt with other cheap thing. Use stuff you are going to throw out if possible.

What’s that? You lost a finger or two in an accident? Well no useful shortcuts for you.

That said, I could see this been pretty useful in Photoshop, Illustrator or countless other design programs that would allow me to quickly jump between tools regardless of if I am in a text box or not.

Rawketo Pawnch every singe day. Only so I can shout it out in that Japanese voice used in the Japanese edition.