Jay Leno 96% of the time.
Jay Leno 96% of the time.
Sorry, I can't hear you over my male model Man Shepard.
Maybe some gaming focus outside of North America and the main Asian countries.
You say that like it's a bad thing. ;)
Some people at cons are creeps? Shocking!
Cue joystick jokes.
Star Wars is cooler.
Deal with it Potter nerds.
Someone broke Nintendium? I'm impressed
At least they would have continued to have a job for the time been.
You know you dun goofed when the guys in charge of you have to say sorry for something you did.
Did you read my mind...
God dammit, I knew I recognized that face somewhere.
Now this looks like a pretty fun FPS.
I was generally meaning games as a whole with industry instead of just the game development side of things.
This - Can't blame the industry if there aren't enough girls interested in the subject.
But destroying it is the best part of building something out of Lego.
Great, I now need 4 other Professor Layton figures.
Reminds me of that thing a few years back, I think they got a bunch of artists to decorate a bunch of Darth Vader helmets and but them all on exhibition.
Nope, armor shaped around the boobs is a BIG no-no.
Time for some Stephen Fry to sum this up. Skip to 1:10