
I think you can get the child into a special needs school. We did for our daughter it has been a good thing.

This angers me in ways you can not imagine. My daughter has autism and we didn’t need any of this snake oil shit to get her to talk, answer questions, speak clearly, follow directions, follow schedules, calm her down in situations, and give hugs, kisses, etc.
These things were achieved because we took her to services

Everyone says something they regret.

When? I tried to search for “Fauci lied and apologized” but all that comes up are right-wing nutjob sites.

Fauci is a doctor. I trust him over ANY President, especially the current one.

Was this before or after the upper part of her face was cryogenicly frozen?

Medieval 2 total War. The Venetians are hard!

Your job is to help us. To. Help. Us. Not to Flip. Us. Up.
Does that seem clear to you?

My favorite movie and a performance that many have said is the best thing Alec Baldwin ever did.

New job, going into week four. It’s going slowly due to everyone being remote but I have no complaints.

I just bought the game for my son with one expansion pack, forget its name, and he told me the game was too easy.

Not the same. They are not actively preventing other people from living life.

Talk about white privilege? Yeah, I tried that:

Yeah, its probably meaningless because these cops probably aren’t racist. Just like I fully believe that the majority in America (read: white people) are ready for all of the protest, violence, and looting ends so the majority can get back to their daily lives.
It’s one thing to do any of the above actions but its MORE

He’s either lying or being given a placebo.

Right Wing Watch is on it!

No, it is our parents and their upbringing that shapes us. You know the stories of how he treats his kids, except for the one he wants to bang? That is how Rump’s father treated Donny boy.

Please tell me you are kidding. We have a narcissist in the White House!

Do you people think you can stop publishing his shitty tweets and focus on the government?