
Sorry, but it’s been more than three times:

Also, I think he knows he is getting arrested on January 20.

Whatever happens, happens. No use in worrying about it.

How is polling inexact: “Who are you voting for as President?” Not to hard to answer.

Correct. Lexapro doesn’t work that way At All.

Yeah. That’s a dangerous thing to wear around Rudy and his crew of Ughs.

Who is that pretty lady next to those disgusting men in the above photo? She needs to run away from that dangerous situation!

I’m sorry, why should I give a shit?

I think Siegel’s book should have subtitled:

Never thought Sarah Silverman was all that funny, but she is hella cute!


Dems will stop any attempt to replace her just like Rethugs did to Obama.


What a whiner.

Why hasn’t someone outed who Q is?

Tiffany, the Christina of the family.

It looks like Magny-Cours.

What a whiner.

But how did they make it look like the changes are in the game?

Yeah, I am wondering that too. That is not funny in the least.