
Disclaimer: Not trying to start a flame war.

Oh yeah , good point!

Oh no, I meant along the lines of tutors, some service that I can provide for students that could benefit them, and me as well =)

Any thoughts on jobs that I could do on my campus (I'm a student) in order to earn a little money?

Amazon: No love for people in other countries? =(

It seems like American brands use inches - at least that's the case here in New Zealand

This is fantastic! Only one thing to point out - I kinda wish Google's "ads" were more polished, like, dare I say it, Apple's. Apple's got that whole emotional part of advertising sorted, and I wish Google could catch up in that area

Don't you know that you run faster when you are holding a knife?

Does anyone have any experience using using these programs with VirtuaWin (A Virtual Desktop program)? I know Fences works fine, but I'm itching to customize with Rainmeter (I love having a clean desktop, and my second desktop will have all the info displayed)

Anyone else getting this glitch? The "everything on one page" link takes me to a previous 'tips box' page.

Huh, it truly is odd that they would hid it like that - I liked it when the shortcut was ctrl+space, I can't understand why they would move it to ctrl+shift+E. Thanks for the tip though =)

Has tab panorama disappeared on Fx? I can't seem to get it to work on RC =s

How about one that we don't talk about often: You're Losing Your Hair?

I remember when I was 3 or 4 and my dad would buy me a hot cup of milo and saucer it for me to drink from the saucer. Good times

Sure, the apps might not be great, but they have to start somewhere. Eventually the market will get better. The point is, there will always be developers around to produce apps, and as the market grows, so will the quality of the apps. Like you said - we, the consumers, will benefit in time

Although I would say, "don't feed the troll", well said. developers left? You loco bro - developers would and should be scrambling to enter into a new market, so they can dominate. Even if they were already working on another OS

That analogy actually made me tear up a little. Bravo!

Maybe the reason behind all the different skins is to differentiate their phones from their competition. It is something else that they can advertise about, and allows them to take "ownership" of their phone rather than place it in a saturated market where it could get lost in the crowd of other phones.

So true =)