
How does this dumb shit even get automatically posted? Cocksucker

Fuckin stupid

Some asshole paintballed Pacman Jones' car.

"Indiana slammed the child on the hard concrete."
Damn son. Snoop approves this message.

She must have fucked Don King at some point in her life and contracted something.

Look at the picture of the teens who came to clean his home. You can tell those were the kids that were definitely NOT invited. Good kids though.....good kids.

Brandon Lloyd stars in horror movie......
"Brandon Lloyd: An NFL Life"- NFL Network

Or they could just lose again and make it a true throwback Sunday.

It's an animal. Who gives a fuck

So the police told him to stop running toward them but he did not. So they shot him. Ya..... TOTALLY racist............

Who gives a FUCK Sean??!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let the record state that the Jaguars are far more relevant than dougexeter, a full time Internet commenter.

Oh no..... Here come Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, as they will make a public statement that will continue to keep the country divided. This is a F'd up story though, if these are indeed the facts.

Oh shut up with the salary cap bullshit and get over yourself.

"I fucking hope not"

We all know where this sport is heading....

In a correlating statement the NFL has issued an apology to every NFL fan for the Jaguars still being in the league.

The kent state shooting changed America? I never even knew who kent state was or that they even had a shooting, before seeing this.

After further review the runner did not touch second base, touchdown celtics.

After further review the runner did not touch second base, touchdown celtics.