Am I crazy or something? but I have also heard the name Mustang Cobra thrown around. And the old 80s and 90s mustangs with the word COBRA on the rear bumper. Gonna look this up.
Am I crazy or something? but I have also heard the name Mustang Cobra thrown around. And the old 80s and 90s mustangs with the word COBRA on the rear bumper. Gonna look this up.
And you buy a fast sports car and you get it in zombie grey.
1st: Every single time I have had my credit card stolen, it is the Amex which I us for gas and groceries... and the grocery stores I go to have Apple Pay... so three times in the last few years the card has been stolen. Don’t get why the gas stations try to put off putting this stuff in. They get an extension but all…
OK... but you didn’t mention looks. I am gonna feel so sad walking out to a driveway to see a wagon and think, this is my life now. I used to be young. Without bratty kids. A crossover, depending on the model, might say that, but it doesn’t slap you across the face with it.
Totally agree. I don’t know why the question of paying a premium. Same reason you pay a premium for any other luxury car or crossover. Nicer interior, the badge, styling. The only non luxury car company I would say has equivalent styling is Mazda. I love cars but don’t really pay attention to handling, I don’t go to…
1st: Manipulative? She helped get him out, they should all burn for this. Criminals like them keep breaking the law because people like you will feel sorry for them.
Let’s say the profit margin is there, but business do this all the time, cut things because they don’t produce as much profit as something else. So the capital they spend on having to redesign this thing every 5 to 10 years also cuts into that. If you could put your money into two interest bearing accounts, one with…
15 years and influential. The Ford GT while awesome retro didn’t change life for anyone. Idiot was ok.
You know what would sell is a PC case that let you slide in your console so you can have it in there. If you are a gamer, that would buy this, chances are you already have a console or were not going to get one away?
Some of these apply to everyone. The parking spot, always try to find a column or park near next to a tree with the concrete base so other drivers have a good sense of where to line up. I always look at the blind spot systems of other cars just to check if they are aware of me.
Take a look inside. They are so far behind in tech and design... its embarrassing.
You step into the interior of an Infiniti and it screams “OLD”. Outdated. It is making you feel like you are an idiot for even thinking this was a good choice. When pricing is in Lexus territory but it should be in the GMC line... and even then, their infotainment system looks like it only just caught up to what…
how many of those deposits are for people that will actually buy the Tesla Truck and how many can Tesla actually deliver?
I go to the gym after work. I am not in a rush and it gives traffic plenty of time to die down so I can have a less stressful drive home.
actually more like 60 days. People pay the first and last month so though they quit, they still get that last month. Its not till the middle of Feb that I see it die down.
Let’s be real, the Sandlot is a shit movie that makes no sense. It must be from some alternate universe where people think those kids would get along
for 2001, that was plenty of power, cars have come a long way now. An Eco Boost mustang from the last several years has more power than my 2008 GT.
For the money, you can’t find more power. But it is an FCA car and the interior will fall apart on you in no time and feel cheap the first minute you get into it. I wouldn’t bother. You spend more time in there than in the engine bay.
Exactly, and if they had that kind of money, no way would they buy a Lexus.
Everyday i have off, go to the gym in the morning, take my dog for a lunch run. Then come and take a nice long shower with a good podcast or audio book. Then watch some porno and after cleaning up, play some Call of Duty.