
This is a valid point, except one problem... dealers have a monopoly on selling cars. You have to go through a dealer because of laws protecting them.  And this lets them do it.  Let other ways of buying a car come into the market and watch them freak out.  And what did the dealer do to earn this extra profit? 

Oh I do for certain things.  Things you can’t avoid.  Weddings, baptisms, shit like that.  I stay in the back talking shit all day while getting dirty looks from people.  But those dirty looks just confirm it, they are hypocrites.

I don’t believe in praising these guys, not one bit.

Ugh... people that don’t understand how money and depreciation works.  As if used cars, especially those at the dealer don’t experience depreciation.  Just as massive too.  WHat you think you don’t lose any money rolling off the lot in your CPO?  When I was selling cars, I had to just smile politely at people that

Yeah thats a good case but remember, there are plenty of cars out there that have shitty resale value and no one should buy new, at least not at that price.  Anything GM makes is probably over priced.  But if you buy a new Toyota Camry, its not likely you will find a used one that is 1 year old for 40% off.  It is all

The solution should be an increase to the minimum tax paid if your income is above $1M.  There are too many loopholes and deductions and credits to get rid of but by implementing a simple minimum tax, you can’t get rich people scamming the system by making phony donations to art museums their friends own

you are paying for the coupe design, i think this is the case for all car manufacturers that have a coupe variant.

These cars are trash.  Look like shinier buicks which are just Chevys with chrome added in.

Here is how you get rich, write a book telling people how to be rich.  You are totally right.  People like this guy are gross.

Can someone watch this and write it down? Videos suck.

No one comes here for the videos...

No kidding.  This guy sounds like a bush.  Hate people with that Know It All attitude.

TSA employees are probably a rung below the homeless guy dancing in the streets for free.  But but, you can also chill with your, “Yeah I have done this so I know what happens!” attitude.  They might be required to explain it every time.  They don’t know you.  Shut up.

We are talking about the car business, so more likely than not, a higher priced car/luxury cars have better margins. And not just there, but it is pretty well known SUVs and Trucks have better margins than sedans that don’t wear a MB or BMW badge.

You are correct, you can get to the same destination of profit.. but profit margin is not just a dollar amount. It is %. I bet that 1 unit with a $1M margin costs less to make than those 1 million units put together. It is not just more margin, it is better utilization of resources.  It is better use of capital.  And

dude, this is about sedans. I get you would get a stick on Civic which is fun but you are far from being the target audience. People who don’t care how a car drives are buying those Camrys and Accords and Corollas. And I dont see how driving cars like those would differ much for the appliance shopper from a crossover.

Exactly.  Makes no sense for them to use capital and get nothing out of it except “market share”.  Having a large product portfolio for the hope that it makes people more brand aware doesn’t work if your sedans are getting destroyed in the market compared to Honda and Toyota.

1st:  I completely disagree with this take.  42% of people who own sedans would stick to them?  Well that tells you things are still moving to SUVs and Crossovers.  And yeah, a company should prioritize profit.  Market share means nothing if you are losing money on cars with the old thought that those cars lure people

I agree with this.  When I think of the best cars to buy in this segment... the Cruze is one of the last I would ever recommend to someone.

I heard that India was going to be the next big boom for everything... but that hasn’t happened.  Protectionist tariffs and a culture that is completely backwards does not let growth happen easily.