
LAN ports on a router: 4
LAN ports on this switch: 5
Available ports after connect these items together: 7
Netgain from router: +3
Title: Add “4" extra ethernet ports to your router...

LAN ports on a router: 4
LAN ports on this switch: 5
Available ports after connect these items together: 7
Netgain from

I would implore you to not touch the steam version as it doesn’t work on Win7+ seriously. That said it’s also on GOG Galaxy DRM free and this version does work on new versions of Windows.

Netflix? Holy hell, Are you confusing the Nintendo Playstation prototype with the Nintendo Switch? Are you that retarded?

IMO Kirk, best way to take this bastard down is to use freeze sling ammo (use your best freeze mods), then use hardpoint/hunting arrow (have your best damage mods on the hunter bow), take out the target highlighted in blue first, there’s two. Finally, take out the target in red as it’s covering a high damage area you

Get all the purple weapons and 1 purple outfit and sell all your non-biological loot. Save the bio-loot for capacity upgrades. Problem solved. Honestly, I had the same issue.

I honestly can’t believe there’s a market for a corded lawn mower...

That just sound like more trouble than it’s worth.

I honestly can’t believe there’s a market for a corded lawn mower...

That just sound like more trouble than it’s

Fucking VR Troopers, Ashcraft, you’re a man after my own heart.

March 5th

All you need is the latest PS4 firmware downloaded to a flashdrive and you can install the PS4 firmware onto any laptop drive that you replace in the PS4. It’s an really easy process when compared to replacing the internal XBONE hard drive.

Upgrading the PS4 HDD is a cakewalk next to doing it on an XBONE. If I can upgrade my XBONE to 2TB, you can unscrew the HDD slot on your PS4 and format your drive through the PS4 HDD format GUI.

Okay, I’ll fess up, I cheated, I boosted my level to near max, gave myself the best armor and weapons and ploughed through everything in my way.

In my defense, I waited a long time before cheating getting probably 70% of the way through. The problem with The Witcher 3 is leveling sucks, you can’t just do the main quest

I’d say $50/mo for unlimited access is the absolute most I’d value the service at, based on [Price of high-end rig]/2yrs. $25/mo would be an interesting point where people might actually rent a PC instead of own one. However, you’re freaking insane to think $25/yr is fair, Christ, Netflix is $119.88/yr

I was expecting a Jason comment, but seriously 20 is just enough to rush through a modern solo campaign, and if you’re going to play MP? Fuhgeddaboudit!

You’ll know if you love it after the 2nd episode, you’ll know if you should stop playing it after the 3rd. The dialogue is rough in the first 2 episodes, but it gets better. For me, this game emotionally wrecked me and playing other games left me wanting, I’ve never before felt so attached to videogame characters.

Life is Strange should have won the “I’m Not Crying, There’s Something In My Eye” Award.

Empty offer here: My co-op campaign services are available should you pursue Halo 3 Legendary, admittedly though Halo 3 Legendary is a joke compared to Halo 2 or 4.

What people need to understand is there’s a time a place for zipper merging. 20 cars on a 20-car length block is not the time or place. 60 cars on a 20-car length block is definitely the time and place.

Zipper merging is only more effective in highly congested traffic. Not at all effective in light traffic.

Well thank god there’s at least 1 chamber of Congress with equal representation. You think people would understand that a equal senate is a part of our system of checks and balances meant to keep the majority in check. Apparently, they don’t teach that in U.S. Government class anymore or you didn’t pay attention.