
People make the Used Panty Vending Machine joke, but it’s actually not legal to do that anymore. You have to find a really sketchy porn shop with Yakuza protection to find an actual used pany vending machine. They aren’t what you’d expect either ‘cause you’re probably imagining a coil vending machine that drops

People that bitch about the MTA have never used the WMATA. The MTA was great, not amazing compared to the Tokyo Metro, but leagues better than the WMATA.

Korean actress Doona Bae maybe

Judging solely on her interview with Anime Feminist and the fact that she asked some tough Devil’s Advocate questions. I’d say Cecilia is way more down to earth than to lose her shit over that.

I feel that’s the way it should have been from the beginning.

Yup, my Airport Extreme is super fast. Has no problem with my Google Fiber connection and doesn’t require constant rebooting. These are wifi speeds. - parcher

Yup, my Airport Extreme is super fast. Has no problem with my Google Fiber connection and doesn’t require constant

I think the thing that bothers me the most, and I didn’t see it mentioned so I’m going to assume it’s still in the game, is that you can’t choose what to research next. There needs to be a tech tree, it really makes this game frustrating for me when you choose Continental preference and Ocean/Tropical colonization are

We now have a 1TB SD card. We’ll get by somehow I’m sure.

Mad respect for asking those questions, you are definitely becoming one of my favorite contributors to this site. I feel like fan service is becoming an issue in anime and that the western audience is becoming more annoyed with it. Personally, I’m really tired of my choices of non-ecchi anime being essentially limited

I remember loving KoTOR and wanting to pick up Jade Empire because it was a Bioware title. Bioware has been nothing but a Dragon Age / Mass Effect factory since being acquired by EA. 

As long as we’re talking about sad scenes in animation.

Well if it’s a horizontal tearing issue, turn on v-sync. I had a GTX760 and tearing was awful playing Black Flag unless I turned on v-sync.

I couldn’t even play Horizon without updating my 1080's driver. The game flatout prevented me and it was only like a month out of date. So it’s worth a shot, maybe turn some settings down. Ultimately it might come down to the 3.5GB vram in the GTX970 when the game recommends 4GB. I never had the 970, but I really look

Here are the recommended specs:

I don’t want to call you out here but my PC is around $1200 and I run it on Ultra-setting 4k 60hz. So you clearly don’t know what you are talking about.

Engram farming that level before the patch permanently burned that sound bit in my mind.

Now playing

I feel like I’m taking crazy pills, did you skip though all the Lord Croft flashbacks?!?! I’m almost a quarter the way though maybe and even I understand why Lara’s dad is important to her. Everything you need to know about why you should care about Lara’s Dad happens in this one scene:

How do you get the title wrong for a song whose title is literally the first lyric?

It’s either because they picked up Supergirl or they didn’t get the ratings response they expected from the 19-episode season last year. TBF, they made the writers add 6 filler episodes in the middle of a 13-episode show. I’d like to see what the writers could do with extra time and preparation.

In April 2013, I happened to be at Meiji Jingu during a wedding.