Lady Legasus

What kind of loser ghost haunts an apartment that is only 350 sq ft? When I’m a ghost I’m haunting a big ass mansion or not at all.

I woke up one night screaming in terror because I had a dream that Donald Trump started to make sense.

When I student thought way back in the 80’s I had a student who had just lost her father. She misbehaved FAR worse than this girl. (at least based on what we see in the video and people are claiming) We handled her with empathy and understanding while still maintaining discipline and the education environment. (By

I love how white men that claim to live in fear of ‘government tyranny’ and believe that it is righteous to rebel against it are the first ones to insist that all black people should strictly obey every police officer like a submissive dog.

This looks awesome. Germany has owned this terrible history and taught it in their schools to make sure it never happens again. Germany has done a better job than most countries, really. America hasn’t taught and owned the terrible history of slavery and native genocide with the completeness that Germany has.

Now playing

I forgot about this. “To Be or Not To Be” Hitler Rap.

Thing is, those Domino’s aren’t for the natives. They won’t touch the stuff. They are for the tourists who go to those places.

White people, y’all gotta stop with this shit. Being oppressed and marginalized is NOT the business.

Dry shampoo, the Febreeze for hair.

First we had the Cold War, and everyone was afraid of Russians and the KGB. Then we had WW1 and 2 where people became distrustful of Italians, Germans and Japanese. Now we have Operation Sandstorm and later the Iraq war, and now people are afraid of brown people, turbans and Muslims.

She needs to do a George Costanza and just do the opposite of what comes naturally, for sure.

Also worth noting that, and I can’t stress this enough, the President has limited powers. They cannot just implement laws by fiat. Congress would have to pass that law first. Also, any law that blatantly tried to implement Sharia law would be immediately challenged and would be swiftly struck down as unconstitutional.

“I’m just being me.”

Who knows. I’ve been wishing that some horribly shocking thing from her life would be revealed, and scare most of her supporters away.

Am I a bad person because I can’t help but wish a lot of ill and harm would befall this horrible woman? I mean, I don’t wish her death, but I’d be fine if she were stuck with alopecia that would make all her hair fall out, or maybe some good ole fashioned boils and suppurating pustules about the face.

Now playing

At least John McCain has her back (or did in 2012):

I still remember a few years back I was having a discussion online about an article this white guy had written decrying black women who feel as if they must get their natural hair artificially modified. I think that a black woman had written an article on how she and many others felt this pressure to get their natural