Lady Legasus

Especially if you all use doctors in the same circle who only know about 3/4 faces.

He knows that unless you are a woman in that family you don’t get mommy’s love or attention, look at Bruce.

Hey that's my Simpsons favorite right behind Busty St Clair which I guess would be Buzty St Clizair.

This is the best gif I have ever seen. It portrays all the emotions of that scenario like nothing else has or can. Thank you.

It should be like Uber, you pay more for a car in bad weather, you should pay more for delivery also.

That's what I thought! Thank you for understanding, now I wish my mother was still alive so she could see I wasn't insane in thinking that.

Her liquid eyeliner is no joke and yes I love her liquid lipstick. Just continue making makeup and forget about the men for a while.

I did have a Go-Go and Choose Life tshirts that I bought at Alexander's not because I was ever pro life I just wanted George Michael to love me and make me a back up singer/dancer.

I thought Tab became Diet Coke? But I guess I'm wrong.

I can't put up lights on the outside of my house because I have gangster squirrels that eat everything. This summer I was still finding chewed up bulbs in my bushes. I hate them, this is why we can't have anything nice

It's probably not hers anyway so no offense taken.

Tupperware does last forever. My mother was a Tupperware lady and although it's been almost 30 years and she's been dead for over 10 years, I still find pieces I the garage or in storage that still work. I wish they were as specified and colorful as they once were though. I would kill for a bread box or even better

Butter all the way at least then you know where it comes from and it's the holidays you're not eating it all day year round. Or are you? Then even more reason to go with nature over whatever the put in shortening.

Try delias and Just Fab. I know the whole membership thing at Just Fab is a turn off but just cancel after you get your shoes or like me I set a reminder for the first of the month and skip the month.

Have you tried Milani cosmetics? Not quite high end but I find their products are well made and last pretty much all day.

Elf makes a spray on cleanser also and I bet it’s a lot less than MUF’s. I pay $6 at Target for it and it does a pretty good job. I tend to use it cleaning between colors and no muddy makeup but since I'm a product whore I'm pretty sure I'll give this one a try at some point.

Not really scary but eerie. My son has autism so like the woman with the son who has Down's syndrome no capacity to lie and I believe children are more open to see things that adults will explain away. So my son let's call him Prince Cankle would come home from summer school and always look at the same spot in our

Thank you for sharing this video it came out in the early 80’s and for years I thought it was just a fever dream because no one else remembered it.

Alright I did People to People also for the Eastern European block saw a lottery of early perestroika Russia. What years did you go?

Did you ever have the pleasure of eating Speed Rabbit pizza? Possibly the worst food I had in Paris and it was pretty crowded.