
That's right. GET BACK TO CLEANING, WOMAN! #knowyourplace

I actually think her stiff 'mom dancing' worked with the video.

So if someone has to cancel a date with you and they try to reschedule a few days later you tell them to fuck off and never speak to them again? I get what you're saying about not chasing after people who won't commit to doing anything or consistently blow you off...but that seems kind of extreme.

Eurgh I walked into that one.

Everyone should have a reason to look at 'this really works!' pin descriptions and shudder.

I'm somewhere in the middle of that, so what does that make me? My pins go usually go: pretty ballgown, funny picture, cute sweater, tray bake disguised as a casserole that I will make for myself and not share with anyone.

There is a reason this site exists. Pinterest has its downsides too.

If someone planned a wedding around my Pinterest pins I have a feeling I would actually hate it.

I have a wedding board on Pinterest and I'm not ashamed of that. I'm not even one of those girls who dreams of weddings, really. I'm not prematurely planning my weddng - I just don't want to forget about that one really beautiful dress I saw. Pinterest is a thing I use to remember ideas and some of those ideas have to

White Russian is this guy:

This comments section is making me feel like I have to fuck at least one Absinthe.

No you don't.

'Kicked out of Scotland' Ha. Nobody gets kicked out of Scotland.

EEK what is with all of the rude, condescending engagement-ring hate here?

I've never seen an episode of 'The Real Housewives' but I'm considering it now. Should I keep myself pure or binge watch an entire series?
Also, which location is the best?

Yeah. I got my mom to do that to me once and she gave me SYMMETRICAL blunt bangs. Never again.

A little perspective on what exactly? I understand that boy face struggles growing up too, but three is so much more societal pressure and expectation on girls to look a certain way.

Well if you're not thin, white, European looking or generally pretty in a conventional way - society tells you that you aren't beautiful every day. People who don't fit into what the narrow perception of 'beauty' is in Western society deserve to feel beautiful too, there are a lot of people who tell them - 'you are

Well if you're not thin, white, European looking or generally pretty in a conventional way - society tells you that you aren't beautiful every day. People who don't fit into what the narrow perception of 'beauty' is in Western society deserve to feel beautiful too, there are a lot of people who tell them - 'you are

I don't mind hair in my face so much, bu I hate it when it's windy and you're wearing lip gloss/stick/balm and your hair blows onto your lips and it gets sticky and eurgh I'm shuddering thinking about it.