
I know this is going to come off fanboyish, but meh. I'm not a fanboy, I don't mean it as such, just not sure how to phrase it otherwise. This is why Apple's 1 model approach is "wrong". Different people have different needs. With Android I can get a small or a large screen phone, depending on the size of my hands

Why would they need to predict at all? All these pre-orders go through a computer and Apple HQ right? Have a stock set aside for pre-order, how many are ordered for that carrier is how many they get. (I don't have any knowledge of how these things work on the carrier side, so this might be a naive statement, but it

For iPhones, yes. They don't have that fancy unlock code mechanism :P I've looked into it as it would be the only way I could get an iPhone. Apple DOES (this is a new development, like in the past 3 months in the US) sell unlocked an iPhone 4, but they cost $550 (for 8GB) and are only off-contract. If you have an

Muphry's Law strikes again! :P

The iPhone is locked, so you can't use any of those SIMs unless you hack it and unlock it. (Which Apple and the carriers argue is against your agreement) Meaning the only legal way to use your iPhone out of the country is to pay $$$$$$$$$. That's what the fuss is about.

They didn't speak of a ram upgrade with the iPad 2, and they doubled it there. So...

I think it's also worth pointing out that this being a developer aimed release, they may want Metro way up front so that developers take advantage of it. If you are a developer with Metro constantly in your face, at some point and time you will probably think "MY APP SHOULD HAVE SOMETHING IN THIS!!!", and Metro (as

I know this is debatable but...

If amazon decides to restructure their protocol the app uses in the future, and not support a dead platform, you're SOL. Maybe not a big deal now, but a year down the road it might be.

Your analogy is broken. A better analogy would be shuting down Imgur because people use it to upload child pornography. Imgur has many legitimate uses, not just child pornography. Child pornography sites have one illegitimate one: Child Pornography. Free forum software has many uses, not just child pornography.

If I had to take a guess it would be stuff confiscated from other raids. Just keep the cycle going. The damage to the kids is already done, and if redistributing it just one more time is what it takes to bring these sickos down, so be it. They have no other choice really.

There would indeed have been a cap in the way of the theoretical limit of the technology. However, the theoretical limit is a limit imposed by the technology and the realm of physical possibility. It isn't a cap imposed on purpose by ATT to save them money. That's the difference. One cap is because you can only send

It is not unlimited if you are throttled. Your "limit" is the point at which throttling begins plus the amount you can download in a month at the throttled speed. Let me demonstrate. I'm just going to throw out some numbers that sound right. This isn't meant to be a real accurate calculation, but to prove a point.

Now playing

Starting to look more and more like Ma Bell needs broken up again.

Depends what part of it he's talking about. The "Crippling apps like Facetime?" portion, would be a violation of net neutrality. THIS service's bits get throttled, but if you pay for OUR voice service, THOSE bits don't get throttled.

I don't think people who fill external drives paid for it all. Just sayin'.

Ah, I was not aware of these differences. Thanks everyone for pointing out my misunderstanding. We learn something new everyday. I guess I have some more reading to do! Sorry to anyone I misled.

See, the thing is we don't really need embryonic stem cells anymore. When they became outlawed scientists developed a method to make stem cells from skin tissue. These skin cells can be made to act exactly like embryonic stem cells. So all this hubub about embryonic stem cells is too late, we can get stem cells easier

Might want to add an update that invites are now open, all the inviter needs to do is click the "Invite people to join Google+" link on the right side.

Dunno if you're still in need, but if you are drop me a line at