
Hmmm, perhaps B&N should have left the button in, but instead when it was clicked take you to a page explaining how to access the store, and why you have to do this. It should also include an "Email Apple and Tell Them You're Angry" button. But I suppose that wouldn't have gotten approved. Dang censorship. Kills all

Anyone know the song they played in this? Shazam has failed me.

I'm sorry, but you're a tad bit misguided in your analogy. See, the difference is, when I buy something from the store, if it doesn't work right or is crap I generally have the option to take it back. Some places may have restrictions on software returns, but in most cases either through the store or the developer you

I'm trying to make myself read the last 100 pages in a Storm of Swords (Book 3 of that series) A certain thing has just happened in the story that has me putting it off.

There's been a few times when I've been sitting out in the sun wishing I had bought the white iPad. Black electronics get HOT. That's one practical reason. Plus they also look "Mac-ish" so hard core apple fans will buy them just for that. I got the black one though. The white one looks kinda bad, because the camera

The problem with this will come down to two things. Number one is the choice of phone OS. They use Symbian meaning that to do something that most modern phones can do, you may very well have to go over to Windows mode. That sort of leads to the second problem, battery life. Yes, it's the same as a laptop, but with my

No, not Windows Phone 7, Windows 7. Like the desktop OS. []

I wish more people would use Installous responsibly like this. I do the same thing. But because of the selfish people, all that is seen when people think of Installous is pirated apps. That hurts the general image of jailbreaking, the image of Installous, and most of all the app developers. Most App developers are

To quote Geohot "What last hole…this isn’t golf.". Software is written by humans. Humans make mistakes. As software advances and gets more complex, the likelihood of a mistake only increases. That's all the exploits are, mistakes by the developer. So I'm confident they're not done with untethered jailbreaks yet. And

To quote Geohot "What last hole…this isn’t golf.". Software is written by humans. Humans make mistakes. As software advances and gets more complex, the likelihood of a mistake only increases. That's all the exploits are, mistakes by the developer. So I'm confident they're not done with untethered jailbreaks yet. And

Gawker comments are being borked.

I wish more people used Installous like this. That is how it is meant to be used, and is the honest way of using it. But no, all people see in it is pirating apps. And that hurts the image of Jailbreaking, those of us who use it legitimately, and most of all the app developers.

I saw it implemented like that way before the iPhone (I have a dumbphone laying around somewhere that does it), and then even the method is old news. Put a URL in Word and it turns it to a hyperlink. That would appear to be the same thing as this.

I had mine replaced for it, I called them on the phone first (made sure I got a promise out of the phone guy) and then went to the Apple store (I live 300 miles away from the nearest one, ended up out of town one day and decided to pick up my iPad instead of sending the one I had in). Called support, scheduled a

I've got an infrared helicopter, they're not bad indoors. Take them out doors, and things get a little trickier. You can't go more than 30 feet outdoors and they have to be in front of you outside.

I just got my invite from some kind soul floating around here. Thanks!

Any clue where those of us riding the VPN train for the past few years can go to get our legitimage accounts? Oh and I heard there's some invite giving to be happening up in here.

This looks quite a bit like Disk Space Fan for Windows, which is free. I really like it, and need to go use it now actually...

I use it because it saves me the extra money on that 3G iPad. I just use my Wifi iPad + 3G Mobile Hotspot.

Are you sure that's iOS? The contacts and messaging apps and stuff shouldn't have Xs on them to delete them. There's also no Game Center. The status bar also looks kinda funny. That and the fact there are some pretty good iOS clone themes for Android, and I'm a little skeptical...