
iOS. I haven't heard of iOS running on anything other than iDevices.

Ohhh just got a great idea. Take the store model display iPads... and jailbreak them.... bonus points if you can do it with the Apple Store iPads they use to display product info.

For all users who are having issues, you can force it to work (at least I was able to) by holding down home and sleep until it restarts, then straight away going to in safari. Seems to override the cache bug.

Why does everyone pretend Installous is a big secret? I haven't met anyone who would like to pirate things who doesn't know how. Really. A simple google search will blow the big "Secret". As much as I support devs (I have spent over 300 dollars in the past 3 months in the iTunes store) trying to keep Installous a

Well I figured out how to do mine. Apparently the air intake is on the bottom and the output is on the back. BUUUT when I blew in the back a cloud of dust flew out the intake. So try that. It runs about 10 degrees Celsius cooler now, too. I could probably clean it out more if I opened it, but it has those stickers

But that would get you kicked out of the theater, and possibly arrested. Y'know how the movie studios are about pirates.

Don't these articles normally include a price? In this case it's $5.99.

Is there anyway to clean the fan in a laptop without opening it up? I don't want to void the warranty. The fans have gotten really visibly dusty and it's getting up there in temperature and causing problems.

FBI has a piece of Spyware they use like your talking about. It generally works. However, if the hacker is skilled enough, it doesn't. My guess is these guys would make sure EVERYTHING is sanitized before opening a file like that. There's a write up on the FBI virus somewhere on Wired, but I can't seem to find it for

I have an Android phone.... It can't be worse than the Android version..... That's about the only thing I can think of that iOS has on Android.

I own and Android Phone (Moto Milestone) and an iPad 2, and let me tell you: Android/iOS aren't nearly as glitchy as some make them out to be. Are there glitches? Yea of course, BlackBerry has some glitches too I bet. I haven't encountered a single show stopping glitch on either iOS or Android (this is just my

Most of those seem to be disclaimer type deals though. Like, hey this isn't our site now! Don't complain to us if it's really crappy! I mostly see them on sites that non-computer literate people would use. (Government Websites, etc.)

Your forgeting a whole aspect to this. This is the first time I'll be able to somewhat legitimately buy an iPhone. Sure I could have bought an unlocked one from overseas or Jailbroke + Unlocked, but that's not quite legitimate is it? Add in that I can save 25 bucks a month with my carrier if I'm not tied to a contract

One thing I'm surprised I haven't seen mentioned here is streaming services. They are the one thing that I think may be able to make lossless hold off. Think of your average Joe's internet connection, at least here in rural America, it isn't nearly anywhere fast enough to stream a lossless album. Combine that with

That's a good thing! It means some competition on the device, and that people actually have to innovate. Like Amazon's store that gives away an app every day to attract customers.

I think the success of their idea here (as far as desktops go) is how good the mouse/keyboard input on that touch UI is. If they keyboard shortcuts and mouse movement is natural and easy, it might work. If it feels like an after thought....

Some places get charged more than 40 cents :/ I think we get charged a dollar something, and if someone uses it to by a candy bar for 90 cents, were losing money. Even if they buy over what we get charged, what you buy still cost us something, so until both are paid for, we lose money. So yea, sometimes the sale is

It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you.

Vote: SnagIMG and ImageShack.

You can still get them without the market, there was an article on that a few days ago. Blocking them in the market just cuts off their exposure.