
Yea, like anything they can be pirated. However, I think it's very wrong to pirate jailbreak apps, even worse than app store apps. Jailbreak apps appeal to a very small audience, and in the Jailbreak world the developers have to go through more crap to get their app published. It probably takes more work, and there

Just grab your computer and take the whole thing to the basement, if your that insistent, it would be faster :P (Note, I do not actually endorse the practice of putting ones life in danger for some silly electronics. Use your head people)

Yet my local Wal-Mart has about 10 in stock. I got one two weeks after release without an issue.

This would be a disaster. I can say for fact that 30+ iPads have been sold at one of the two stores in this town carrying iPads. The closest Apple Store is 450 miles away. I seriously doubt those people would have waited the month to get it online or drove 450 miles, when a Motorola Xoom is for sale across the street.

Most music is stereo, and doing it that way would probably end up with you listening to the right channel in your left ear or visa verse; the music would sound weird. Most earbuds I've used (I hate the dang things) would end up tangled if you twisted them to get the right channels.

Most music is stereo, and doing it that way would probably end up with you listening to the right channel in your left ear or visa verse; the music would sound weird. Most earbuds I've used (I hate the dang things) would end up tangled if you twisted them to get the right channels.

Check your graphics card/anti-aliasing settings. Firefox 4 has new hardware rendering for webpages (can't remember if I had to change something to get it, though) and when I was screwing with my card settings to get a game to work, the Firefox text rendering changed.

Referer Fakers in 3...2...1....

So what happens if you dont pay up? What can they really do? Let you out of your contract?

For those who find Friendly isn't for them, give MyPad (Facepad) a shot. I bought them both, I prefer Facepad. They're both great apps though, you won't be disappointed with either one.

For those of us with slightly used (ie: Christmas Presents) iPad 1s, what's the best move at this point, if we'd like to probably upgrade to an iPad 2? Sell it now? Wait for the announcement? Wait for release? And were can we get the most cash out of selling it?

@Cheeseter: What happens when you can't jailbreak? I got an iPad for Christmas and I've looked at every option for jailbreaking, and it's just not available yet. I have no doubt I'll be able to jailbreak it eventually, but at the moment I'm up a river without a paddle when it comes to jailbreaking, no matter how much

Googling a URL does have it's uses. (Like when you only have the URL, and the URL may be old and the page may have gotten moved, or its long and you may make a typo). Not that I'm recommending doing it all the time like some idiots out there tend to, but it's not a completely stupid idea.

@Almightywhacko: I actually will probably leave mine as a mute switch. Just what I need to use more. To each his own. So I'm happy Apple gave us a choice for once (isn't this what we usually complain they don't do?).

Mailinator is short sweet simple, and the alternative domains generally aren't blocked. Best service in my book.

@A Flock of Smegal's: My Dell Studio has an awesome track pad. It's HUUUGE and its also multi-touch. Very cool.

@twilight-arc: Yes, but with 3000 songs it would probably cost an arm and a leg to do so.

@das7002: SIM cards. Not such a big deal in the U.S. mobile market (hence why CDMA is doing so well here), but in the rest of the world where phones are bought separate and mobile providers actually compete, it's a big deal.

If she gets the cash, wont it be money laundering?

@Haizum74: It added a period onto the end of the link