
They seem to treat orders like they do phone calls: They build up alot of anticipation because the system finally works, then they crush all the hopes by droping it. Finally they apologize and blame it on too much demand and traffic.

I have an idea! Let's call them. Get everyone you know to call and complain. If we get enough people to overwhelm their customer service, they might think twice. Call and threaten to leave. Make it clear that if this is implemented, they will lose more money from customers than they save.

@Jordan10la: Then what is that? Now I've gone and confused myself...

Apple would love this thing. However the subway station would be incredibly slow. Nothing could be done in (a) Flash anymore.

@aprather: I update whenever I need a new phone. I don't care how many years it's been, even if it's only been a few months. I had a crappy flipphone for awhile, until the pricing lined up for me to get a smart phone. Then I wasn't overly happy with my smartphone, but I got another smartphone for free because someone

Why didn't they simply use some sound recognition software in the game and make it a cheap actual guitar? Would have looked cooler, been more useful, sold more games, and worked the same if not better. When I learned to play guitar it wasn't the actual guitar that was hard, it was fighting the strings and building up

@mrgibblechip: Haha I'm exactly the same way, and so is everyone I know who plays guitar!

You are thinking of it all wrong! If your brother has a girl over have a tape recorder in front of the xBox constantly repeating

@showbiz2: Labels ARE folders, just with a different name. It took me awhile to wrap my head around it too :)

Is there any way to do this on a Motorola Milestone? Google is returning nothing, all of the ones I've seen from them are ones for the Droid, and they don't work on the Milestone as it requires a signature from Motorola.

@apus: This video chat will be used for a hell of a lot more than phones. This is going to be on your computer and on your TV. This is going to be on devices we haven't thought up yet. This is going to be one of the big changes in how we use our computers, because it looks like folks are finally getting ready to

@tomsomething: Google: "You sayin' we gave them your address?"

@apus: I said supposed to be open, not open. I am just as wary of the Google patent issue as you are. However, I think our video chatting systems are going to be more prevalent and hard to change than Blu-ray, HD-DVD, or Flash. I expect fully whatever emerges from this as the standard will last 10-15 years. Why?

@apus: CPUs and Video Codecs are too different things entirely. I see no reason why we should base our video chating systems on something proprietary, when legit open alternatives exist. (WebM is supposed to be open, OOG theora, etc)

@apus: CPUs and Video Codecs are too different things entirely. I see no reason why we should base our video chating systems on something proprietary, when legit open alternatives exist. (WebM is supposed to be open, OOG theora, etc)

Microsoft, please don't. Let's not forget that FaceTime really isn't an open standard. It still uses a proprietary little video format called h.264.