
What was the computer doing? It had a terminal open at 0:52 that was running like crazy. Is this a tethered deal? It would suck if it turns out to be tethered and the Mac-Only.

@Awax: Or someone would have to decompile + hack it from the Xbox to run on Windows. I'd say that would be more likely.

@toxic_waste: I could care less about who has the screen, and I'll admit for most people it wont make a difference, but it still isn't beyond the limit of the human eye. It may be a nice screen but it still isn't beyond the limit of the human eye.

@Pinkertonfanatic: Most people in rural areas. It's still alive and well.

@toxic_waste: I don't care if you have to have perfect vision to be able to see it. He said that it exceeds the limits of the human eye. The limit of the human eye should be the absolute best possible ie:Perfect Vision. The claim is false.

@jrs: BP isn't doing everything they can to stop the leak. They're still trying to capture the oil.

@Kamatari +: Nope. Not unless you have the portable version.

@teh1andonlym0: "The only thing saving the BlackBerry is its enterprise users. Once Apple or Google allows the handsets to be managed by IT departments, RIM will go under faster than BP after this oil spill"

@cinnamontoastcrunch: This is all phone and nothing to do with the OS. You know what OS your going to be using when you design the phone, so design for that OS and it's power needs. If you don't that's just bad engineering and planning.

@thesultanofswing: Still even if it isn't cached there is no reason it should take that long. I deleted my cache in FF and it took a matter of seconds.

I tried it. I can't use it. It was soooo stinking slow. It took 2 minutes to load google and five to load lifehacker. I'm not exaggerating. Firefox had them loaded in seconds. To be honest I don't think anything could get me away from firefox and it's amazing addons.

@Deoki: Might this screw you over if your phone ever rings in court.

Is there any equivalent for Firefox Showcase or DownloadHelper? Those two are the main things keeping me on Firefox.

What is the best GSM Android option for someone not on a major carrier? (IE:Unlocked and no contract) Is it still the Nexus One?

One thing I have noticed to reduce trolls by a large amount is to simply make them use their real name. Alot of people cut alot of that crap out when they use their real name. Of course it will still be there, and some people will use fake names, but no system is perfect. That's also not to say every one that uses a

Does anyone know how one would go about switching to using the Windows boot manager? I perfer it to Ubuntu's.