
@Terry: I would honestly get this in a heartbeat. Chances are it will be loads cheaper and easier than setting up your own media center.

My library sucks unfortunately. The newest move they have is a 20 year old VHS and I *doubt* they'll have anything like this.

The best thing Google could do to speed adoption is auto-enable Google Wave for Google Apps, and put it on the main page of Google Apps and Google Search. If you could get people saying "What's this?" and start using it for work, they would start using it else where to. It's a solid idea, one that will win big, but

@SDreamer: Vista wasn't bad, and I think you are mostly right, however some people did have legit problems. When it first came out I lost printer support, games ran slower until the driver devs got their heads out of their butts and networking was an on and off deal (due to some loss of backwards compatibility). I

This could all be solved elegantly and easily for Facebook.

@Swimatm: No, there would be more than one seeder. In Bittorrent, everyone seeds while they leach. Let's say their are 2 people and yourself who needs to get a file that is seperated into 3 parts. You start out and upload part 1 to person A. Person B then gets part 1 from Person A and Part 2 from you at the same time,

Am I the only one missing the point of these pages? Can someone explain to me why this would be useful.

It also doesn't help to do a tad bit of online research on the company before hand. Generally you can find such a list pre-made somewhere on the internet. It will tell you what to avoid during the call, what the right questions to ask are, and it will also let you know what the rep you are talking to can actually do

@fuchikoma: Hibernate is the same as shutdown (I believe...?). It just saves the memory to hard disk before powering down, and reloads it when you next start up.

Does anyone know what the best way to make a Smores filling? I assume you could just add some marshmallow whip to the chocalate filling. This look delicious and I would love one of the Smores variety.

This is suckish. I loved Lala. It is even more suckish for anyone who bough web songs from them. Any idea if they will get some kind of iTunes credit?

@rolltimer: Where I live the Tracfone folk run off of either ATT or Verizon's network. (Pretty Sure ATT)

@matthewabel: Well, if the FCC get's their way soon the cable companies won't be able to touch Hulu, so when that happens it will be a pretty safe bet. However recently the FCC's plans haven't exactly been working out.

@icefyre: I've actually been trying to do something like that, and run Win7 from it's partition in Linux. I'm still working on it though.

I would actually like to see the opposite of this, Windows that runs on Linux. This doesn't include many of the things I use Linux for (Virtual Desktops/Desktop Cube / Compiz / Easily Theme able / 10 Second boot up)

I ate all my cookies months ago...

I used a proxy and got on to Spotify for a few weeks here in America. I really liked it. For those of you who haven't used it, heres a quick explanation.

While were on the topic of sunscreens, this kinda surprised me when I read about it.

@jondurand: If you've got programming skills, there are several sites out there that you can find programming jobs that pay a small amount each ([] [] []). Otherwise you can make $50 and up just fixing peoples computers or getting rid of virus's. Not hard work, just run