It was glorious.
It was glorious.
I am trying to share entrees with my husband. But sometimes the steak looks so good, I want my own New York Strip
I would love to be able to do this.
I started growing my own basil and making lots of fresh pesto. It helped break my flavor mold.
One week in Paris, and my 4 month low carb lifestyle died. Hot cocoa, baguettes and crossants... All the time!
I spent a few years baking every cookie in Martha Stewart’s Cookies Cookbook. Then I spent two years learning to bake bread. And last year I bought a sous vide.
I agree. Your posts are always a highlight of my weekly reading. I convinced someone at work to get a sous vide, and now we read your will it sous vide posts a lot.
they are so darling. I was in a group meeting and I was using ampersand in a sentence, and it floored the entire room. seriously out of 15 people, how could i be the only one that new that the “and symbol” was called.
my mother-in-law owns a fair amount of Thomas Kinkead stuff. She loves them because she bought art and they were discounted. I think for her its more that she owns art that she bought, and feels she got a deal. The paintings are in these really thick golden painted frames. I hear about how this painter is a master of…
i was seeing things thru rosé colored lenses. my apologies for the confusion.
cavair on champagne? that’s not a flavor profile i am familiar with. sounds adventurous for me.
my husband is obsessive about the dishwasher. I will unload but i like to do it in the mornings. then load it throughout the day, then run while we sleep.
i have experienced this in real life. my husband wants a “diet coke” and “what is this coke zero stuff”. so it’s Diet Coke or Diet Doctor Pepper - there are no other sodas.
So I got a really good price on Cristal Champagne recently (never tried it before and wanted to splurge for new years). I almost want to make a mamosa out of it, or something from your champagne recipe list a few weeks back. Imagine the outrage.
I also have a loud obnoxious laugh that is quite fun to laugh at. I kept laughing uncontrollably at times at the little quips and forced humor. It just struck me as funny and then people were laughing because I was laughing at something that wasn’t quite funny. So here i am laughing at the poor prog getting roasted by…
Our audience people were in complete silence. we were all bought into the moment of the big spectacle. it was terrific being in an audience all sharing in amazement.
I went to Paris recently, and found that I couldnt drink their coffee or espresso. It was just too potent for my drip coffee sensibility. So I switched to Hot Chocolate while I was there. It was amazing. They sold these hot chocolate swirlers, a few places we went too had them in the counter. It was just a glass vat…
I used to never drink beer. My husband made me try many many types of beer. Then eventually I didn’t hate it. I even suggested we do the Coors tour on a trip to Colorado. I now like their Banquet Beer, mainly because of the tour at the marketing story I fell for in it.
Doctor Who is the first episodic television show I got my husband into. In 2015, we did Eccleston right up to Capaldi. Since then, waiting for new Who is to come is a treat. He forgot about Christmas Who being a thing, when we got home from his parents place he was so excited for a new episode being there waiting in…
i dont know what to do with this article. why are people so stupid.