
Personally I don’t think its timing I think its a mater of differentiating the films more actively. One of the reasons the MCU works is its a franchise of franchises - with different tones existing at the same time. Like Black Panther being effectively a Shakespearean tragedy, Spider-Man: Homecoming being a 1980's

Putting a couple coils next to each other isn’t difficult (Ikea’s had one fo these for years).

The whole premise that future societies will revive and cure the cryogenically frozen rests on the assumption that in the future there will be a severe shortage of old, rich, self-important assholes, and they will desperately need ours.

Being banned from a sport is a slap on the wrist. This is attempted murder and should come with jail time. and the fact that you're really excited about sports doesn't make it okay to try to kill someone

Can it tell by the way I use my walk that I’m a woman’s man, no time to talk?

The thing is, if we’re going to throw out every piece of art ever made by someone with problematic views, we’re going to be cutting out pretty much all of our cultural history. Most of the world, for most of history, had views that were quite normal at the time, but are ghastly and terrible when viewed through today’s

It was perfectly efficient the second time he kicked it, though...

One would assume it’s not perfectly efficient at capturing the energy. Shuri’s reaction would make even more sense then, as she’d know that he put even more force into the blow than it initially appeared.

If the suit absorbs kinetic energy on impact, why does the mannequin go flying when kicked?

The time saved seems obvious. Police analyze 2,500 possible matches vs. 170,000 potential matches. Question should be whether it’s worthwhile to try to identify criminal suspects in large public gatherings. Also, no one’s *name* ever needs to be cleared. A false-positive matches your photo to someone else’s name, not

Step 1: Ryan Reynolds releases a recording of him reading the script - I will also accept Nolan North or someone doing a dead on dead pool impersonation.

Step 2: A talented amateur does a flash-style animation using that recording. Goes viral quicker than Ebola.

Step 3: Netflix and Amazon fight over the rights to throw

As a fellow researcher who deals with expectations of privacy and IRBs, I can tell you it’s apples to oranges. Ethically he did not use any information any student had a reasonable expectation of privacy for. Ask any student if they think the college tracks their swipes or looks at their swipes data to figure things

You’re really trying to sell this as bad? A student voluntarily pays to join a private business of higher learning and the University develops a way to help their students make it all the way to educational success - graduation - and this is an evil thing? Seems that the data ID’s the students and a plan can be put in

I like the guy already, handler be damned.

Now investigate the “QUANTUM EMERGENCY USE ONLY” Q*bert costume.

“this twin-fusalage’d aircraft isn’t really an aircraft at all—it’s an airborne rocket launching pad”