
The Hatch Act prohibits federal employees from using their position for political activity.

Sorry, I’m confused. Lensing was observed in 1919, and in 1936 Einstein said it was impossible to observe?

I can imagine why a collections of scenes might cost $40 million to shoot, but why would it cost an extra $40 million just to shoot them at a later point? Maybe they had to rebuild some sets, but $40 million?

It would take around 1,250 Snowballs to handle DigitalGlobe’s archives but just a single snowball.

I’m guessing the training data was all footage of scenery going past car/train windows.

He never says she dumped him. Instead, he implies that he dumped her.

Knights stopped wearing metal because it’s bulletproof?

If they’re producing them concurrently, why the gap between 2021 and 2024?

Given that we know blind people have enhanced other senses, was there some doubt as to whether it was their brains that were responsible? Maybe it’s the pancreas?

So confusing. The intruders with briefcases appear to be against the armed dinner guards, but with the geishas, even though the guards and geishas appear to be on the same side. Does anyone know what’s going on?

At 1:54, TIE Advanced x1?

infamously exploded in 2014

How patronizing is it to pat a world leader on the hand like that?

Ugh, I can’t see what the streams really look like because they’re modified in all the pictures.

“catch”? “discrimination”? “Draconian”?

As noted in another comment, rebar also doesn’t “compress the material.” Concrete has good compression strength already. Rebar gives it tensile strength, so you can push on it and also pull on it.

The “re” in “rebar” stands for “reinforcing,” not “reinforced.”

No way—you’ve gotta be kidney.

The headline doesn’t communicate what’s new. We already knew adults’ brains recognize faces better than kids’—by the fact that adults recognize faces better than kids. (Unless the fact that the brain is involved is surprising.)

Idris Elba.