
Brown/blackface: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

The real deal.

This technology should help read the Herculaneum scrolls, entombed by Mt. Vesuvius in A.D. 79:

In short, the radar system can cause a lot of false positives.

How did he measure clickbaitiness? He defines clickbait as misleading (“empty calories”), so did he compare those six title factors (word play, etc.) to the actual content of the paper? Or did he abandon his definition and measure clickbaitiness just with those six factors, regardless of paper content?

When you’re calculating the average speed, you need to weight the speeds by the amount of time the swimmer is at those speeds. Half-speed will be weighted higher because that lap will take longer.

Lidar, short for laser radar

Best OK Go video yet.

I’m surprised their language doesn’t use discrete symbols (letters, phonemes, etc.). Seems like an unreliable way to transmit information.

Loeb suggests that the answers could be found in the next decade or so.

How is the cubes one an illusion?

Derek Jeter, Beyoncé, Andrew Ross Sorkin, and Andrew Rannells have got this.

the paper that SilverJacket seems to not have read

Yes but what part of “sociolinguistic theory” invalidates these findings? Is there some aspect that states that people don’t associate sounds with meaning? Can you cite experiments showing that they never do? (On principle, no.)

Mrbofus’s second paragraph, about name endings, may be correct. I did not address that, as the research under question said nothing about it.

even if phonemes did somehow carry meaning, that meaning wouldn’t be universal, so ascribing masculinity or femininity to one wouldn’t even be definitively applicable outside of a single dialect of a single language.

You say that it’s bad social science without giving a reason. I’m curious to hear your reason(s).

That’s not how science works. Thinking of counterexamples to a phenomenon off the top of your head does not contradict the data showing the phenomenon happens more often than not.

Six 800V AC electric motors, one mounted at each wheel

The headline suggests the article will present some hidden reason we shouldn’t pursue fusion as an energy source, (as in: “The Real Problem With Curing Cancer”). I figured you were going to report on some obscure harmful byproduct. Instead, the article reminds us that we should pursue it. Also, the bottom line of the