
Looks cool but it's not the Reddit alien. The Reddit alien:

Why is Google becoming an insurance agent rather than an insurance provider? What they need is a provider to insure automated vehicles, which doesn't necessarily follow from their becoming an agent.

"the Blackbird SR-71 was the fastest manned airplane ever made"

They're just flying in formation. I was waiting for the mad stunt.

"all corridors have been designed for BMW i3 cars to pass[;] every guest has its own garage right in front of their suit or cabin."

"Jupiter's Moon, Europa"

It looks like there's rebar poking through the waterproofing in some areas. Is that not an issue?

Do you think there's a connection between using a little boy's first name as an adult (Willie, Mickey, Jackie) and playing a ball game for a living?

How are those all "hidden messages"? For instance, with Carrefour, I had to struggle *not* to see the "hidden 'C.'"

How do they hope to have a movie out in July? It hasn't even been written yet. By "ready to go" do you mean "ready to film"?

What about Stephen Hawking?

The trip "took just five minutes to complete once the train got up to speed."

Is Em tryna bring "gadzooks" back?

A lot of the increase in cancer deaths is probably from people not dying of the other stuff first.

Can someone tell me: As the trailing electron bunch gathers energy, why doesn't it catch up to the drive electron bunch?

Why didn't Apple do this?

It's kind of misleading to talk about the "average density" of matter inside the event horizon. Almost all the mass is in the singularity at the center, which theoretically has infinite density.

I don't get the purported setup of this Turing Test. The blond dude it supposed to test the obviously robotic lady to see if she's a robot? And/or the robot lady is supposed to see if the blond dude is a robot so that we know whether a robot can fool another robot?

Not counting the antenna, One World Trade Center is actually shorter.

"day or two days, rather than having to edit out results individually or erase everything at once."