
Gordon Freeman wears Prada... who knew?

Movie Theater Popcorn 'Butter' is actually palm or soybean oil with yellow food coloring (and sometimes but not always, butter flavor) added. Butter goes rancid too fast to make it economically feasible.

Yes and the last I heard it took them 9 workstation hours to produce a single 1/24th of a second frame of 'final product level' animation.

Which actually makes the issue worse, doesn't it?

If the entire point of the tech is the frightening 'super high ultra realistic level of detail' one gets by having 'OMG PONIES!' level of atoms to provide that detail, reducing the level of detail down to that which today's computer can handle would essentially remove the entire reason of the tech in the first place.

You're right. I really hope this technology is usable in the near future. He said he was only running it at 20fps and that's probably on a really nice computer so I'm guessing this is still at least 200 years away from being practical.

I've lived through the computer revolution thank you very much. I understand the radical changes that have occurred in the past quarter century. When I was born there weren't even things such as 'home' video games.

To repeat: 170 000 three-terrabyte harddrives - for a one square kilometer island.

I don't think Doctors want to work long hours, I think they are forced to work long hours because there isn't a glut of available labor to allow them to work shorter hours.

Vote:Nook Color

Aren't GFWL DLC 'permanent' downloads? Maybe the problem isn't getting the cut of the take but watching out customers who may or may not realize that if they buy DLC from EA for a game they got on Steam, they may have to buy the DLC again in a year if they want to reinstall.

Or alternatively if my eggs must be in separate baskets I demand those baskets have parity in value, especially if those eggs are for the same game.

Imagine this scenario.


Execpt for the Sims, which EA appearently blocked by forcing you to register their stuff on the official Sims site instead of Origin, thus keeping the games from ever showing up as purchased on Origin.