
Oh look! And another one is being reported in Greece, another SQL injection attack, which are probably the easiest to prevent by any sort of competent security or web developer since they rely on the fact that the site isn't sanitizing your inputs!

I'm taking it you didn't notice who was actually stepping out of that portal...

So woke up this morning to see this article up on Ars Tech:

It's no longer the 90's?

Now playing

Pchan's Mods gotcha covered. Craftable air balloons and a separate mod that introduces Pirate balloons.

Or not.

If your portals in the overworld are all hitting the same portal in the Nether, that means that you've got some sort of 'unsafe' obstruction sitting where the portals would have gone. For instance, a solid mountain or a lava lake with no platforms over it.

The actual algorithm is published. It's open source.

*cough*cough* No central authority that can be shut down*cough*cough*

Tell me again, when the zombie apocalypse/Democrats take over the nation/Gay Marriage is allowed in Texas/banking failure occurs, what will your gold, silver, or imaginary numbers being backed by a fractional reserve in a bank that no longer exists do for you that bitcoins can't?

Drop the $, it's 21 million bitcoins, not $21 billion worth of coins. The coins themselves are divisible to the 8th decimal place, making it actually 21 quadrillion 'pieces' of currency. Even if you assigned the smallest bit to be equivalent of a penny, you've still got more currency in circulation at the end then the

Question, do you understand the 'money generation' part of the US Federal Reserve?

Yes, this has nothing to do with the fact that Sony consistently fucks up their own security. No of course not. We couldn't expect a company that spent the last three weeks supposedly 'upgrading' their security to not be so fucking stupid to send the key to changing the password as a token attached to a URL. Or to tie

Oh LOOK! Another example of Sony's WONDERFUL security.

So you don't have any sources do you. I did check it out, that's how I posted a definition. I'm waiting for you to come up with something that supports YOUR claim, I've already proven mine.

Hey moron! If I got a real security system and not an ADT ('We'll call the police for you in 10 minutes") I'd blame both the security system and the thieves. At what point in this conversation did you get the impression that I was giving the hackers a free pass simply because I was holding Sony responsible for their

I'm sorry, do you have another source that provides a different definition, other than your ass?