
You certainly are proving you are a man of your words at least. Or perhaps I should say troll of it's words.

Stop, recognize that telling someone they are wrong doesn't make it so. Stay stopped, you are annoying and I'm not going to bother dealing with you.

It was actually Robert Dahl's idea.

Now playing

Round the world and home again! That's the Sailor's Way!

I'm sorry, were the big words I used past your third grade reading comprehension level? There actually were things in there that you should have understood, too bad. I guess you are reduced to trolling now that the conversation has passed your ability level. Be a good boy and go play in the street why don't you.

Yes but still purely from the logistical standpoint, the woman is still in control of the evidence.

I see you skimmed what I quoted. Let me requote the relevant portion you missed.

Would you like some time to edit that comment into something coherent before I rip it apart or shall I start now?


And why, if I wasn't trying to get a credit card transaction to go through, would I give Facebook real information?

Unless I was really mislead by biology class, making a baby needs a man and a woman. I realize that the guy gets the better end of the deal by being in a better position to just walk away from it, but it's a little ingenious to claim that women are somehow immune to hormones or being unfaithful and using Arnold as the

Corrected link since gawker num-nummed part of my sentence into the url.

And neither Facebook or Gawker have my name, DOB, or address.

Yes, I've gone into the witness protection program, I've changed my name, where I live, and even got the FBI to come up with a fake birth certificate 'just like Obama' that says I'm 20 years younger that I am.

Yes yes, all my information is out there on the net, I shouldn't worry at all because, hey anyone could steal it.

The cognitive dissonance of your argument threatens to deafen me.

Was my data encrypted?

I don't know how old you are, but I'm old enough that actually I use a credit card for more things than buying games on a console. Going through every service that had my CC info and updating them, hoping that the update would push through before they attempted to use my card to pay the next bill took pretty much all