
Yes, because their negligence in this matter makes it completely the hacker's fault. Sony is blameless. *eyeroll*

To be clear, THEY in my comment is ascribed to Sony and rightfully so. THEY stored my data in a manner which made it vulnerable to theft.

No, no you can't guarantee they told us as soon as they knew about it. What you can guarantee is that Sony has told us that they told us as soon as it was CONFIRMED by people they brought in that data had been leaked. Because at that point, they couldn't not tell anyone anymore.

The half that knew they were fucked from the beginning because they realized their security was a joke probably felt vindicated for a short period of time before realizing the shit was going to hit their fan all the same. The ones who were too arrogant to think it could happen to Sony probably felt like the ground

I have no sympathy for anyone in Sony whining about how horrible this has been for them.

As others have said, there is a reason why it's called Mount and Blade. Use your horse to your advantage.

If I may suggest, get Warband ahead of Fire&Sword. While F&S is the newest of the series, Warband actually has the 'newer' engine due to the fact that F&S was a work of 'love' that has been underway long before Warband came out.

Just to clarify you don't actually run both mcedit AND minecraft at the same time. Your load the world you want to edit IN mcedit, then load the schematic, and then pick a spot in the world that you've loaded to drop it in.

Given I'd be changing your diapers if I knew you and the fact that you start off the conversation with the assumption that my opinion was motivated by greed rather than buying into the idea behind the concept, I don't call it condescension I call it tit for tat.

Would it really need to be an objective measurement? Simply allow players to 'up vote' or 'down vote' another player at will. Collect these votes and track how many times someone gets banned/muted.

With the knowledge that I fully support your opinion and share it...

And what does this have to do with whether or not I feel as if I deserve free shit specifically? Or are you just projecting?

Sure does explain why he dresses up in neon orange though, poor bloke thought it was dark grey ...

Worried that they'll charge you $200?

But me. And probably every single person playing on most of the servers I join.

You don't live in a museum, you visit it to enjoy the culture. This wasn't made as a world you'd actively 'play in', it was made as a tribute to something the creators felt worthy of tribute. As such, it works well.

Normally a downloaded map is actually a copy of the world save and you just need to drop the unzipped folder into your saves folder. However this one is an mcedit schematic which means you'll need to install mcedit, start a new world or pick one that you want to drop this into, start up mcedit and open that world that

My primary quibble with this is that it says "on Netflix" while a number of the things listed are at the best DVD only with Netflix. Such as DS9 which I've been trying very hard not to break down and upgrade to the dvd plan just to rewatch...

On the other hand, I'll be in my bunk...