
Portal 2's story does not 'continue' in co-op mode, nor was that your complaint. No offense but just cop to the fact that you knee jerked yourself into a reaction that has absolutely no support with the facts present. Valve never said "No dedicated single player modes."

And even more reports that the SDF has mobilized and are attempting to silence any criticism of Sony.

You mean you are shocked that Sony, in the midst of a PR fiasco, would stoop to using their 'apology' as a means to push their new service as opposed to an actual expression of regret?

And then lets go back to the article again and stop assuming what was explicity stated, shall we?

And apparently the article before this one was the last you'll ever read? Or did you somehow read the whole thing and still miss the entire thrust that they aren't talking about 'no single player'?

Yes, quanity over quality is always a sure fire recipe for success in the video game market. Look how well the Atari 2600 did.

Yes. We haven't had any real Minecraft news in a while.

Too many Bobby Kotick's in charge, who think applying a factory line approach may reduce creativity but increase throughput (and thus their own wallet).

So you favor buying the lotto ticket over going to work each day?

If you can't remember it...

In fact Mortal Kombat (the first one) was awesome, and had a matching soundtrack.

Seriously, anyone playing an Obsidian game on a Bethesdasoft engine and complains about bugs is either seriously new to the gaming world or incapable of learning new tricks.

Adam was on the first floor. In other words, the elevator didn't skip the stop.

What's a guy got to do to get some bullets around here?

Boiling a frog. That's exactly why they gave you a deadline, regardless of whether or not they thought they'd make it.

Don't worry, the likelihood of Valve going back to the X-Box is slim unless Microsoft pulls its own head out of it's ass and stops trying to force the idea that all new content must cost the users.

And you say this:

No link for that one. It's a video only item.

Given apparently the last one wasn't even a challenge, lets hope this time around it's AT LEAST a challenge.

I think the problem is rather that Sony doesn't really know what security really is and every time their 'security team' clears another buggy setup one of their outside consultants slaps them down.