
However as has been discovered, that regardless of whether the attack involved it, their 'security' involved having no firewall and unpatched web servers with known vulnerabilities, long after they were informed of the problem. It's a valid concern to have when a company behaves in the manner Sony has, whether or not

Don't hate yourself. It's OK.

I've always gone with the theory that while Chell isn't brain damaged, she's been traumatized so much she can't talk. Consider that:

Only if during the last few seconds of darkness, you heard a turret mummer "You monsters."

The larger an LCD gets, the harder it is to produce with an acceptable number of 'dead pixels', especially at the DPI we are talking about for a computer monitor.

Paint it white.

It's not going to have a hard drive still and it's only going to have 8g of internal flash for storage. I wouldn't get my hopes up on Nintendo marketing it as the 'hardcore' solution, it'd be hard for them to compete with anything the current two contenders bring to the table, at best it'll have 'current gen'

I'll gladly pay for usage when the fees applied are in the same ball park as the costs to service and when they agree to abide by the rules of being a public utility in regards to their ability to make changes to their rates.

So, HOW much exactly are your TV channels on U-Verse charged against you? Oh wait, they aren't. In which case, it really is an NN issue being dressed up as something else. These caps aren't in place because AT&T wants to save money, their bandwidth costs vs what they are charging for already are extremely profitable


How do I deal with the caps? So far, by looking for another company to do business with. Unfortunately the one I was almost ready to sign up with (DSL Extreme) went and outsourced everything to the Philippines last month and from monitoring DSL Reports it looks like their service just went belly up.

Don't depend on your router's bandwidth monitoring, apparently AT&T is tacking on their own overhead to the traffic which means your router's numbers can be up to 10% under what AT&T wants to ding you for.

It is trivial to max out 150gb, the cap imposed if you AREN'T on AT&T's new U-Verse service in half a month if you are using Netflix or other streaming services. Which is why I pray that the government finally takes notice of this as anti-competitive behavior aimed not at 'controlling bandwidth costs' but killing

Because of Sony's proven track record of knowing what it's doing?

And more importantly, by timing the announcement to cut off the last thirty minutes of Trump's Celebrity Apprentice, Obama got to make it even clearer who actually runs the show.

You forgot to spray the mug with cooking spray prior to adding the egg. It's a common mistake, but turns out exactly as you described it. However if you remember to spray the mug first, the egg comes out without any fuss and cleanup is as simple as it would be with the bulky frying pan.