
Egg McMuffin!

that's what the non-stick spray is for. coat the inner surface of the container and in this case, it really doesn't stick.

One would presume that Valve doesn't store customer data outside their offices next to the refuse bin with a sign on it that says "Please don't steal! Cusomter data and CC Info!" so I'd have to say it must be more robust.

As eager as I am to slam Sony, I have to point out that the article itself indicates this wasn't "Round 2" but just "OMG, We just realized that this also happened to us in Round 1!" - In other words, they weren't hacked AGAIN, this is all from their first fuck up.

For the most part it's extremely noob friendly. You'll get an odd clanish server here or there where everyone has been playing the game since beta and don't tolerate anyone who hasn't, and a couple of servers with house rules that only they know and admins who like to kick folk who break them, but that's true with

PS. One of the things that really stokes me about M&B was the modability, very little of the game is hardcoded, there are hugh swaths of things that can be changed, updated, added to, or otherwise molded to match the way YOU want to play the game. One of the mods I can heartily recommend to anyone who decides to get

You ever play one of the Total War games and wish you had the ability to jump in and swing your own weapon in the fight? This is the game that lets you.

Or if you are a Steam-ophile, use this link to their catalog in the Steam Store.

Based purely on my experiences with Mount and Blade: Warband, I do not believe I can form a strong enough recommendation to for Mount and Blade: With Fire & Sword to give it even half the amount of justice it deserves.

Team Fortress 2 may be their flagship for giving out massive boats of free content well after most developers would have abandoned the game and shuttered the master servers. But it certainly was never the only game they've done that with.

No, it's more "Valve-esqe" as in "Hey we are an awesome game company that regularly release free additional content for our games as well as enabling our fans to make their own free stuff using our games, cause we are cool like that."

You don't know Valve much, do you?

I beg to differ that it's a case of 'not okay to say anything' as much as it's the symptom of the swinging of the pendulum of perceived competence. I've never once run into anyone who was ever shyer of calling a man fat than a woman. In fact most of the time, it seems far easier to make fun of the males than the

In the perfect world:

That and the fact that combat with a light saber should result in people and bots losing limbs, torsos, and heads, not simply slump down to the ground as if they had the wind knocked out of them?

Now playing

Yes, but will it keep your Windows 1 settings when you upgrade?

Watch the first few episodes and decide if the story/characters/world/whatever floats your boat is engaging enough to continue but not so 'OMG I love this' that you'd be devastated when FOX does what FOX does best.

It's a real thing, so I would say it's just you.