
You see the trees, yet miss the forest. Of course the company is full of people, people like me, people like you. And the company is full of nice people and mean people. Tall and short. Young and old. And the one and only thing that they all have in common is that they are willing to take everything you are willing to

Here is a bare truth in this world: Unless you are your employer, you are being exploited. That doesn't mean they are scheming in the backroom to steal your property, chain you up in the basement, and work you till you die, but I guarantee you that every single employer you've ever had has gotten more work out of you

Means nothing with the Kindle App for Android working on the Nook. Or rather, it means that the Nook has the greater access...

When creating passwords it's important to remember that the strongest tool you have is not the randomness of the characters you pick but the length of the password itself. Coming up with impossible to remember passwords might make you feel safe, but if it's just 8 characters long it's still going to be just as easy to

Full disclosure: I'm an Amazon Prime member. I own the pre-color Nook. I haven't bought a single ebook yet. My Nook is jailbroken. 99% of the reading material I have on it is from Project Gutenberg. The remainder are items I've discovered just wandering the internet.


Dear me, you have a lot to learn grasshopper if you think any of the women in that video were employing man repellant.

Back when I was still working in the IT sector, one of our sales staff, a completely vanilla and straightlaced person who grew up in an incredibly sheltered world, let it slip that she had had her little toes removed so she could wear high heels.

I think in the case of Funcom, at the least, it's just that they have a crappy idea of what is fun. AO wasn't any better.

I've already played it. Unless it gets better in a guild, it's worth exactly the cost they will be charging.

To be honest, me too. I just like riffing on the way some character types are portrayed in Japanese art. As rich and detailed it is compared to it's Western counterparts, they do seem to rely a bit on pre-built looks for certain character types.

Ah Japan, where your women look like children and your children look like women...?

However, since he's simply using these numbers to calculate a 'conservative minimum value', over estimating things like the length of the tail and ignoring things like mythical metals is to his advantage in his argument.

No, double standards are when two people in the same situation get different treatment. Name one other company that has a monopoly on the desktop OS who is being treated differently....

Nah, they'd complain because any app store Microsoft created would prominently feature Microsoft's offering over other alternatives, have almost as an abusive attitude towards it's developers as Apple, and still manager to be less popular than the Zune.

Sadly, I'm in a 'no ikea' area and the only set that they sell that is 'online order-able' is the one that I've already bumped into and discovered doesn't actually seal that well.

Yes, when a car company sells a car, it includes an engine in it. That's sort of required for the car to go.

Is a 30 second boot really worth the money? I don't know about anyone else but I boot my computer about once a week max. If I'm going to shell out the cash for the 'premium' I want something that's going to do more than cut a two minute boot sequence down to thirty seconds. And like most of the rest of the folk

Life is short, but sometimes fun. Try building your own.