
I just wish I could find a good source of spice bottles so I can keep the bulk packages stored safely away in a cool location while using my counter for more productive things.

It in itself is the dirty trick, and yes, Microsoft has repeatedly over the years proven that if the government wasn't standing behind it with a paddle and a threatening look, they'd steal anything that wasn't bolted down and use a knife to etch their name into everything that was.

A man turning to Microsoft to avoid Adobe is like someone jumping into lava because their barbecue grill was getting smoke in their eyes.

The reason Microsoft got paddled wasn't because it had a large market share. It wasn't because it bundled apps into it's OS that mimicked functions other companies had products for.

Think how many exploits were published in just 2010 concerning flaws in the PDF format:

If we are 'lucky' we are moving past that? How do you define lucky? Name one thing that someone else made that Microsoft 'integrated' into Windows that wasn't a half-assed attempt to take over the market and ultimately an attack vector for viruses, trojans, and other nasties simply because MS was too busy trying to

To be fair those taxes were already suppose to be here, just that no one ever paid them.

It's called customer service and a friendly environment. If you pay your staff crap wages, hire only teens looking for spending money, and never bother to actually look at how your store is laid out in comparison to how your customers shop, it's your own damn fault when someone with better logistics eats your lunch.

As opposed to the slab of cow leather it was made of?

According to the license you posted a link to, their fees are extremely reasonable.

Wolfenstein 3D.

I see that as an additional benefit. It tells you where your cleaning staff have been missing so you are actually hitting all the 'incubation' spots.

That's just a 'modern' definition that's formed due to manner in which they were visually portrayed. The 'original' from which it's name is derived was, by necessity of the story itself, a complex branching maze. That or the Minotaur and Theseus were Disney villain level incompetent for not being able to find their

Those are all good foundations, but here's where it really came from for a good number of people.

If my logic was that being specifically targets by terrorists and blown apart equates to having a slow PSN day because Sony's network is under attack, I'd agree, your argument completely pulls THAT apart.

Consumers who support that company by buying it's products and paying for it's services?

"But then the choice is simple, if you don't like what Sony are doing, don't buy their products. "

"I understand that the days of five people working in a garage to make a product are over. "


I just wish they hadn't fucked around with the menu. I hate the new look, especially since I can't really browse for movies anymore unless I've already taught Netflix that I might "really really like it!"