
Which is why I prefer to side with the folk working to upset things, even if I consider their methods just as poorly thought out as the ones they are working against, they at least at trying to do SOMETHING to fix it rather than sit back and pretend that just because it doesn't directly affect them, it doesn't matter.

I seriously doubt your conclusion. I think it's simply that as always, the music industry has never had any real incentive to invest in music, but to invest in making money. If they can make money peddling 'shit' and it cost less that mining for 'diamonds' that's what they are going to do, copyright infringement or

In what possible way can you connect GeoHotz to Anon outside of pure conjecture. In every article concerning this matter I've posted in support of GeoHotz, that doesn't provide any connection either.

Clearly it's you. Discovery isn't a free pass to go into Suzy's room and read her diary just because you think she wrote that you were a toad. You have to have an actual reason tied to the case in hand.

Read Groklaw ( [] ), you obviously aren't one of the kiddies that are bitching about the fact that they can't get their instant fix, so you deserve to actually get your information from someone who is actually writing to provide information as opposed to Kotaku's habit of making these articles into

No, our society values art just as much as it ever did. What our society does not value is the increasing and inexcusable attempts at those who pay nickles to people who actually create it to hold it hostage for greater and greater ransoms. The point of copyright wasn't to make RIAA execs rich, it was to enrich the

And yet, the music industry is STILL just as dead today as it was then. I am not arguing which tech was more 'devastating', I am pointing out that the music industry dies like a campy villain in an Austin Powers spoof, who was shot in the first ten seconds of a two hour movie and can still be seen fake stumbling

"We've always been at war with Eastasia"

Music is just as dead today as it was dead when the tape recorder was introduced. And Moives have been dead since they took out the penny arcades.

And in the case against Apple, Apple wasn't a complete douche who got away with lying to the judge pretrial to get access to alot of info that they should have had access to, so what were you saying again?

Hey! Guess what Hotz specifically said he HAS NOT done? If you guessed : Agree to the terms of service, you'd be right! But since your entire comment predicates the idea that you have no clue concerning that, I'm going to assume you got it wrong anyway.

No. Not when the legal system is being applied unevenly. After all, legally, Rosa Parks SHOULD have gotten up and given up her seat.

Here's some additional fat for the fire.

Yes, because there are bad things happening in the world you should just lie down when you think a multinational mega-corp is acting out, because after all, it could be worse. And who gives a fuck if you can do something with the PC? The point is, if they sell you the hardware free and clear then it's YOUR hardware,

In their favor of what? "Oh noes! Judge! The internetz doesn't like us because we've come off as being a douche bag too often! You must rule in our favor immediately or the world will end!"

Because that's the key issue isn't it. You were all set to support Geohot till they inconvenienced you.

Terms of Service are a contract only apply if you agree to it. There is no such thing as intellectual property, there is such a thing as copyrights, trademarks, and patents.

You work for the CIA, don't you?

Anyone else miss the short lived Total Recall TV series that came out in the 90's?

DAMN IT! Mt. Dew uses Yellow 5.