
Why potatos?

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Ford may win the battle, but we all know who wins the war...

I saw a vid of a school girl and a tentacle monster doing... odd things. IT was in Japan too!

I don't have 4 installed yet, but if it's anything like 3 and before the 'toolbar' itself is a drag-able item in the Customize view. Just drag it to the other bars you do use and when you turn customize off it should (with a couple of quirks) hide the empty 'bar' left.

The object still orbits the Earth, it's just that the Earth happen to also be turning fast enough to keep up with the object's movement.

So, did you actually read the comment you were replying to or are you now just trolling? Go back. Read what I typed, and ask yourself how your response would be affected by that.

No. You don't get it. It does not matter if an EULA is 'out there somewhere'. A EULA is a legal agreement, a contract. In order for a contact to be valid, it MUST be presented and agreed to. That's one of the things that Microsoft got it's nose snubbed on and why most software refuses to run till it presents you with

I don't know about Ash, but I've got a few things to list:

Sony doesn't care about money, they care about making everyone shit their pants when someone mentions breaking one of their run protection schemes again.

psss..... Rap video made for a contest, complaining about the law suit, happened AFTER the law suit was filed! Means nothing in terms of 'proving' crap.

If you have an un-upgraded PS3, jailbreak it, download the firmware update from Sony's site, and then unpack it on your PC, you haven't once run into a EULA. If you then modify/update/change that unpacked firmware and install it to your PS3, you've got an updated PS3 and have not once seen a EULA.

This is not the trial, this is the pre-trial battle over where the trial should occur, in California, or New Jersey. Ideally, when a trial of this nature occurs, the location is based on a number of factors, including the undue hardship of having to appear on the completely other side of the continent from where you

Hotz is an individual, Sony is a company, in a just world, one where the presumption of guilt is not a given, the venue should be chosen in such a way that it does not unduly impact either party. Of the two, which do you think would be hurt more in their bottom line if the venue wasn't in their 'home state'?

When the 'hook' in your game is a storytelling hook, (e.g. Look everyone! Our not generic FPS is about Korea invading America!) then you damn well better have a long enough story to it to warrant that.

If Sony Japan takes over the case then Hotz has won this argument as they have no basis for demanding a trial occur in California and it can thus be moved to New Jersey as Hotz requested.

And this is why I wish the hearts were back.

Firmware updates are downloadable out of band from the PS3, so no, you don't have to clickthrough/agree to an EULA to install an update, especially if you've already broken the block that prevents you from running unsigned code and repackaged the update.

Is it free on the PS3? Or is it now a misnomer?

Give up the argument, anyone who picks the nick xXanythingXx is immune to logic or common sense.

"I've had a vacation planed and paid for since November, well before any of this shit started!"