
And what does that mean if you don't play games on it and got it purely for the purpose of hacking it apart to make new and different uses out of it?

When you buy a PS3, nothing on the box indicates anything about SCEA, primarily because SCEA doesn't sell the PS3, it sells video games. and given the manuals that Hotz provided were still sealed in their packaging, it wouldn't matter if Sony slipped in a reference to SCEA in there. Nor have I ever been aware of a law

Is that what you are claiming as an apology for making that remark? Rather recursive, don't you think?

YOU are a literalist.

It's funny how when people say stuff like "With all due respect" or "I don't mean to... but," they are actually indicating the exact opposite?

Yes, you missed being diabetic and thus needing something that is a sweetener and isn't refined cane sugar or HFCS. As the articles thrust is clearly indicated if you had read it.

However they are free of processed CANE sugar. And that's the primary reason for going for them if you are going for an alternative to normal sugar that you'd buy i a store.

Nintendo is afraid that if they start reducing the prices on their top tier titles, it'll be a signal to everyone that the Wii is finally starting to head into it's twilight years.

Unless you are playing a modded server or have installed your own mods, beds don't reset spawn points. They reset the day/night cycle back to morning. Which would be pointless in a cave environ anyway. As far as I know, the only 'legitimate' means of changing spawn points is to build over the only one, which will

Or maybe us Browncoats are secure enough in our opinions we don't post about it?

Ah yes, the old "You must not know what you are talking about because your characterization doesn't match my definition of something which by it's nature has no official definition, therefore I must be right, because..."

You probably are, you just don't realize it. He's the guy running Wikileaks.

That is one crowded house, they could stand to get rid of some of that clutter.

I believe he was actually referring to Assange, who also wasn't committing espionage, but for different for a different situation. Assange did nothing that any investigative journalist does, and those people DO charge for their work.

What he is doing IS White Hat work. Please don't confuse "Not Protecting and furthering corporate interests" with "Being a Black Hat". He did the same thing to the PS3 that he did for the iPhone and for the same reasons, because he believes that a corporation that sells you hardware shouldn't have the ability to say

The PS3 is people! It's the new Soylent Green!

Bows to superior search skills. ^_^

It was a play and pre-Internet so I have a feeling it's lost to the annals of history. This short description of it is the most I've ever found of it online.

Gor, ah yes. Gor.

Steam Chat is actually pretty useful if you have a few people you play with regularly and play various games. My brother and I are in different states and we always hook up using it even when we are playing non-steam games. It's just easier to get running than most of the other alternatives.