
Samuel L Jackson was a jackass.

No, the Steam Client itself has a voice chat feature that is independent of any game. That's what's being updated. However, it does seem logical that once they've hammered out any bugs via the client chat, that they'd then update the codecs used in their own games engines.

Enhance that fragment, zoom in 2000. OMG! This is a photo of Abe Lincoln shooting the Kennedys!

Sheepsaver and/or Basilisk II/JIT both handle pre-Intel Mac emulation. Sheepsaver handles PowerPC and Basilisk handles 68k systems.

It's JF through JZ in other words they got 'part of' the J's, some other group got the lower 'half'.

Did you know bananas are radioactive?

Here's a tip. Steam sales.

In a good number of places in the US, especially urbanized areas, there are few two lane roads to begin with, at least ones where passing would be at all profitable (e.g. it doesn't make sense to pass someone going 30 in a 35 mph zone, especially since the fines for speeding in when in such areas is vastly greater

Neither God or Fate are real things. Nor is invoking the worst case scenario and attempting to claim that saying "they won't happen" is a direct invitation for them to happen a realistic approach to the matter.

If it's extremely low and getting lower with each passing hour, then it IS realistic to say it won't be another Chernobyl.

OMFG ... HE was the guy that made L4kD?

You are apogee once a lunar orbit, however that doesn't mean that each time you reach apogee you are a full moon. That's not determined by where the moon is in it's orbit around the Earth but where the Earth is in relation to the moon and the sun. Which means as the Earth orbits the sun, the point of time where the

You are apogee once a lunar orbit, however that doesn't mean that each time you reach apogee you are a full moon. That's not determined by where the moon is in it's orbit around the Earth but where the Earth is in relation to the moon and the sun. Which means as the Earth orbits the sun, the point of time where the

I'm at work, but if I recall correctly there is a 'delete note' command at the bottom of the item if you view it from the notes section.

I've told people repeatedly, as scary as the nuclear situation is in Japan right now, it's actually a monument to how well they engineer their shit.

If it's a service you might pay for, knowing that a simply "LifeHacker attack" can bring it down is important.

It's been a long time since it was posted here, but I'm fairly certain that I discovered the SMILE Timeline widget via LifeHacker. It's a bit more 'hands-on' than Tiki-Toki, but it's also a self-contained solution that doesn't require some other company providing service.

Just replying because the link you provided got 'autolinked' incorrectly and the site included the trailing comma in the URL.

Printer cable actually, it's hooked up to a print server.

Spam is the junk that everyone gets and no one wants. Bulk is the junk that some people get, and actually want.