
And receive death threats yourself?

"Airport controllers had installed a new GPS-based landing system, so that aircraft could approach in bad visibility. "

True, on the other hand we are talking about securing 'vital assets' in the nation, the problem here isn't the toll booth, it's the air port and the power plant and the hospitals next to the highways the toll booths are on, so the other problem is relying on a foreign controlled system to be a backup for your own.

And once again did he fucking say it wasn't wrong? Staying on point is one thing but you could at least acknowledge that you are fighting straw men.


If someone is actively jamming satellite based GPS, how are two other satellite based GPS systems going to act as backup? They still have the known flaw of weak signals at a set frequency that can be blocked by a $30 device. The power of eLORAN is that it's essentially a non-trivial task to jam. Which means it's

My brother and I just finished the GDI campaign this weekend, and did the NOD one last weekend. Even though we got it in the sale last weekend (I think it was $4?) we both felt ripped off.

Not being insincere at all. I hate the fact that when I look at people I tend to assume things based on the region they appear to come from. I hate the fact that my life experiences have taught me that unlike race or gender, where a person was brought up has a lot to do with how they interact with others, their own

Do you think that movie was created in a vacuum? I love White Castle and have since I was a kid and you could still get a sack of ten for $5. Plenty of people have been addicted to it since before anyone thought to make a comedy about it.

At what point in time has being a talk radio host ever been a sign of a being a 'grown' anything. 99% of them are hired solely on their ability to act like five year olds.

I hate to be a Regionist, but people will get that thought through their heads when they are raised north of the Mason Dixie line. Till then, expect the same folk who still get a little nervous when someone overly tanned comes into the room to show the same level of enlightenment that they've shown pretty much the

No clue but the photographer is credited with a link to his flickr page and happens to have "about a million" pictures of his dog, so I bet he'd be able to tell you.

And yet neither libel or corporate sabotage are theft.

You don't know how hard it was for me to parse that headline too many noun-verbs.

I've read however, that if you drop the libdvdcss DLL into the installation folder of Handbrake, it'll use it.

And trust, since you are giving your password to another company to use.