
I think that's something on your end, I've stayed logged in for pretty much weeks now, across many of the gawker sites.

"You may not even need to confront the "asshole" who's ruining your day. You may just need to talk to them. It becomes harder to dislike someone when you know them—unless they turn out to be even worse—so grab a lunch with a coworker you don't like and you may find that they're just a little bit less annoying."

From the article, apparently Netflix decided to use it's userbase as test monkeys and have randomly assigned everyone one of four menus: the original, and three new UI's they are testing. Also from the article, there is no way to change which you are assigned, short of being someone else with a new PS3.


Way to be super late to the party kid. Three days after the last comment in this thread you speak up?

Now playing

Mother fucker had better step when Washington enters the house.

I have a jailbroken Wii, a jailbroken DS, a jailbroken iPod, and a jailbroken Nook. Not a single one has software on it that I don't have permission via license to install on it.

And do you remember that the R4 cartridges were for the DS, not the Wii, and Nintendo was going after the actual companies making the carts, not the people publishing the information on how they were made? So no, they didn't go after the hackers, they went after the pirates, which makes my point even if you missed it.

Did they remove features? Did they lock down the console? Did they sue people involved in the hacks? Did they ban anyone?

And how does hacking my machine harm Sony's bottom line if I'm not already doing something illegal with it?

Dear me, a civics lesson from someone who thinks Sony's license is law. How droll. And yet his nit picks do nothing to counter the fact that his claim that GeoHot has 'broken the law' is based on nothing but a license. Can he actually come up with something that points to a law being broken? I think not.

Really? I must be imagining all those PC games I own.

Yeah, that'll happen. And the next day they'll wake up and 60% of their developer base will announce they are move the to PC/XBOX platforms.

I look at it this way, a lot of people have no fucking clue what constitutes intellectual property. And most of them don't get that key's aren't.

"The dude" made a rap video for a contest for fucks sake. Is it really that bad that he did so using material from his life?

If Sony made bad business decisions that left itself exposed, that's it's fault and no one else.

And fuck you. The people forming the lynch mob may have "forgotten" that no one ever forced Sony to take the route they did. Look at the homebrew scene on the Wii for an example of an alternate route they COULD have taken that wouldn't have resulted in having their asses handed to them by a group of hackers.

Again, are when did Sony dissolve the US Constitution and write our laws for us? Never? Then that SSLA means shit.