
@Auruor: If you are a responsible parent, you prepare your children for contact with influences you consider 'bad', you don't raise them as a bubble child and demand the rest of the world respect your hackney moral code simply to play along with you.

@ktgrrl: "1. Completely ignore it.

As someone who has accidentally put a hole in an actual door before, the primary issue I see with this idea is it's wonderful if everything you'll be putting on it weighs less than a kitten, but these things weren't built to be supporting surfaces and have no reinforcements built into them to handle much weight being

@Pessimippopotamus: Aye Matey! Them thar sails never amounted to a hill of beans in my day! A bunch of hot air if you ask me! Arrr!

@ryernl: The entire point of the thing is we don't know what the Event is. However, if the obnoxious ads conveyed anything, nothing that occurred in that pilot is "The Event" with capital E.

@ninjamurf: Food Processor - Multi-purpose tool that any 'real' kitchen should probably have and use.

@stereobot: Every ad I saw was someone with a hammer attempting to pound into my head that this was the bastard child of Lost and 24 and that I should care about it because it had the mystery of Lost and the action of 24. And btw, LOST, 24! 24! LOST! LOST! LOST! 24! 24!

@ryernl: The "Event" occurred prior to the plane according to their timeline.

@blash: You own stock in Monster Cable Inc too, don't you?

@kobayashi_maru: From a 10 min google search, that seems to be exactly how they work and that it takes a bit of effort and tweaking to keep it working. This link was the most descriptive I found.

If you attempt this please do keep in mind a few things.

@SophT: Nope. You don't. All you need is to ensure it's calibrated.

@ClaudioIphigenia: While McGee's Alice was a wonderful game, the games following that have been... less than what his past history indicates as his potential.

@pshift2: Unfortunately and ultimately, that's really all Alias was, a long string of cliffhangers that were strung together to make a show. Certainly there were a number of good ones, Shakespearean Monkeys and all, but in the end it's why I stopped caring what happened to the Bristows and company.

@QuatlooMillionaire: Um. Hmmm. Well, like, I think it's... something like, well. Uh. I donna know?

@friedelindis: If you are going to complain about patronizing tones, don't start off the conversation with one.

@friedelindis: Did you miss the part where I indicated that I knew of instances where they already did just that, and that I live in this area?

@pikachugo: No, I what I assume is that someone who responding to a post asking people not to just assume that everything the prosecutor says is true and jump on the hate bandwagon and explaining that doing so hurts more than just the people directly involved in this, would have the required reading comprehension to