#cotd for pure sentiment.
#cotd for pure sentiment.
I'm not typically a hug Mini fan, but the JCW is a pretty fun little beast.
My ideal instrument panel has the tach as the centerpiece.
@Skink "Who killed the electric car? Reality, that's who." If by reality, you mean big oil and auto industry lobbyists and special interest groups, then yes, you are correct.
I'm referring to the mechanical "defects" that were pointed out in the article, ex. the weak battery heater (and hence, the lack of battery performance in colder climates).
Since it has the capability of running solely on battery, instead of just battery and gas in tandem, I would still consider it an EV for all intents and purposes. Though, I agree that it really is no better than the Prius, just not quite as ugly... not quite.
Wait, so let me get this straight: this guy is attacking the first commercially mass produced EV to be used by commuters based on a Rand-ian (is that even a word?) parallel that it will suppress progress... where is the irony stick? Because someone has obviously hit him with it.
No, you're absolutely right. And so are all the people who are against public health care, social service and education spending because it's "socialist", but support spending on Homeland Security who can't catch a crotch bomber on an airplane but go around seizing vehicles because of bureaucratic BS.
I feel like adjustments as simple as removing the gills from the vents and de-chroming the trim would make a huge difference. Also, moving back down to at least 18"s on the wheels and making them possibly 7 or 9 spoke instead of the shiny dub wire rims.
Technically, they *did* find what could qualify as WMDs, they just couldn't validate the capacity to bring them over. Not justifying any of their actions by any means, just sayin'.
I'm not even concerned about the price at this point. I'm still blown away that they ever made a Pajero EVO.
@SecondSpitter: But I'm le tired...
@Novaload: Seems like the same reason why DSM axed their AWD turbo models even before the EVO and WRX/STi even started building a large following here. There's a market for them for sure, but not enough in real numbers to impress the Big 3. They don't want Miata marketshare, they want Camry/Accord marketshare. Beige…
John Salley a host on a car show? I'm so there.
No Black Edition GT2 RS? Lord Vader will be most displeased.
@Fodder650: Tires violated my mother while pouring sugar in my gas tank. We should burn them all, slowly, 4 at a time.
Chevy Hemi "Anorexiphant"? Sounds good to me, drop it in a Magnum and don't bother calling me in the morning, I'll be dead.