+1. This is so fucking good.
+1. This is so fucking good.
U-S-A! U-S-A!
It’s almost like he knew people were fed up with him and so he found a way to completely tie the league’s hands . . . he’s no angel.
I realize that the Internet craves meaningless debate. And, that’s ok, I guess: it’s a long day at the office and, for many of us, a long commute home, too. But this shit has got to stop. I honestly just can’t. Drew, you have the objectively correct answer Right Fucking Here:
The real crime here is that the guy holding the flag had to pay a surcharge because he is only 24.
Alone? Never. Dickey was a goddamn visionary.
I will never back down on this. #teamdickey
BREAKING: kinda plausible explanation.
As if I needed another reason to dislike this guy. .240/.291/.385
Of all people, you’re surprised that this guy abstains from being a swinger when he encounters another dude in an unfamiliar position?
Congrats all around, guys. A nice team effort last night.
Chris Bosh would like a word with you, Barry.
Gomez flashing the “ok” sign after a proper smacking of that baseball is an immediate contender for bat-flip / home run style of the month.
There’s apparently another version that says “fuck face” in the lower left corner and it’s worth way more.
I am honestly asking and not being a pedantic d-bag: does a team qualify as a “Minor League” team if they are not affiliated with any Major League team? The Patriots are in the independent Atlantic League.
Fuck you, Chris! Fuck all you Deadspin guys!
Like hundreds of other readers, I was worried about you to the point of being mildly embarrassed; we are total strangers. I’m glad you’re ok.
This is just spectacular. I rarely scroll this far down, but I am so glad I chose to eat at my desk today and take a five-minute break. This is a work of art, and it will soon take its rightful place at the very, very top of this otherwise refreshingly warm and heartfelt kinja.
+1 (sic semper 50ShadesOfJimGray)
Knicks fan cautiously optimistic about RJ (but very possibly just trying to talk myself into it because, you know, what Stephen A. said). The real kick in the teeth would be if Zion decides to screw New Orleans and go back to Duke. He won’t. But if he did, then the Knicks lose out on all three of Zion, Ja Morant, and B…