
Actualy for player to have choice how to do missions... that's a real selling point of unity for me, coupled with co-op. The fact that you lose sight of enemy you are pursuing no longer resulting in game over is BLISSFULL! AAAAHHH MAN! These missions can finaly take interesting turns, not just "GAME OVER LOL DIDN'T GO

That's ok, we don't think of you at all.

Maybe silent hill 2 will be produce by M Night Shamalann. That is a scary prospect.

This is Swedish =)

Pewdiepie was freaking out thinking that the game 'knew' that he's Swedish.

But... but I thought it was the dog all along!

At least 75% of those people just want to break into Valve to get some information about Half-Life 3.

Character costumes are A+ (mustache person excluded). CG backgrounds are F————, did they even try!?

So intrepid gamers have found P.T.'s UFO ending. Faith in humanity....rising!

I've seen the movie and I don't know what you're talking about.

Fucking Ubisoft take us to Japan already.

If there's any era I feel should be featured in Assassin's Creed, it's the invasion of Britain by the Romans. A Druid Assassin would be so awesome.

I'm reminded of the ending of Wanted.

I also got Black Flag for the Wii U. What a shoddy port. Dips below 30 fps frequently and looks extremely rough. From what I read, that's generally true of the other versions of the game as well except for PC.

i bought ACIV Wii U last year. Kind of a sloppy port and the game got boring about 8 hours in... :/

"Imagine losing your save file after 100 hours of exploration and conversation". Yeah, no thanks, I'm not a masochist.

Yeah, that sounds...not fun?
I mean, I guess it's nice to have the option but is anyone really down to lose 20 hours of progress?

I disagree with your point. You're wrong. PS4>Xbone.

I don't think it's that. I think it's more that people who love their hobby tend to be blaring assholes about it.

i feel like most people protected by some level of anonymity tend to not be very nice people