Don't make it weird.
I hate kitten massages.
Kitty massage thread?
I expected the lost souls from falls to be much higher. The games shitty attempt at platforming has cost be a ton of souls. L3 to jump.. UGH.
The falls being 2nd was my takeaway, as well. Falling into a pit is the one thing in the game that really irritates me, because they recommend you keep your darkness settings low enough that half the time you can't see the damn holes. Carry a torch in my off-hand? My ass.
...Is it weird to feel sorry for her? She looks so disappointed. :c
I swear I'm starting to feel like one of the only ones who doesn't have the new gen, and has no desire to buy either them yet. Maybe in a year.
Not the Forsworn armor. It's the Ancient Nord Helmet (Female), the Banded Iron Armor, and the Stalhrim Dagger. The Forsworn Armor would require... let's just say that it's a cosplay that would require someone with high body image confidence to do.
THANK YOU. Damn. I was starting to think I was the only one who realized that all the drama in the movie is a result of this family being ridiculously bad at communicating, thereby blowing manageable problems way out of proportion. So there was no Professor X, but it was pretty obvious the trolls were wise and good…
Then so be it.
You know, at this point I really don't think I would. Not unless it had some sort of gameplay hook or something new to bring to the table. If it's just a prettied up sequel, well....I hardly even remember what happened in those games, it's been so long. As much as I loved them a decade ago, there's plenty of new…
I'm Beyond Good and Tired of Waiting.
Needs moar legs...
You won't like me when I'm angry...
So many people are going to try that last one. Yesterday i was sitting in the dropship and called my titan and it crushed another player in his titan, and if it weren't for that we wouldn't have evacuated. The ship was getting hanmered. I was happy.
Instead of calling in your Titan just as the match is ending to unload on the enemy dropship, what if you saved your…