
First of all, this is very pre-pre-pre-pre-alpha. So the gameplay is going to be rough around the edges, to say the least.

Money doesn't make things just appear, they used that money to hire a bunch of people to work on the game. However the game development is what Chris is calling "open source" which means that he is showing the developing of the game while it is still being developed. The footage you just saw isn't a beta code, or even

If this was a game from EA or Activision you would not be seeing any footage from it for at least another 6 months. Part of the promise Roberts made to backers was that they would get to see the game as it's being developed, warts and all. The retail game is not coming out tomorrow, and given that this is a pre-alpha

Looking at the creators pedigree this seems to be a game that breaks the mold of the simple 18 month to 2 year development cycle adopted by so many triple A studios. I think this will take a long time to complete and evolve but the wait will be worthwhile, even if it takes 3-4 years (including evolution post release)

Nope, didn't look terrible. This is pretty much as good as it gets with current tech. If it's not good enough, go into real space :p (which probably wouldn't look as good).

I thought it looked great. What were you expecting the money would add to the game? A few more Michael Bay effects?

I had hoped some of the news coverage would at least give a nod to the fact that this is an unprecedented thing in game development- a studio showing the real deal, warts and all, and saying "this is what it looks like, here's what we're working on, here's some cool things", as opposed to some pre-built shiny thing

just me or did that look terrible?

Nah I'll wait, MMOs aren't really my thing. This one seems too good to pass up but the rest I can live without.

Pure fanservice. Super Sonico was made by the same company as Steins;Gate.

Well now I just want my 3ds to have ears.

I'm glad I read through the comments cause you are saying everything I was just thinking. Just give me the games that are being released on PS3 on a PS4 compatible disk or let me download them. I don't care about a graphics boost I just want to play them! I'm just sick of having to plug my PS3 back in to play these

Take out the giant exoskeletons that you can pilot (or not), the wall running, wall hanging, double jumps and bots... change out the futuristic tone and setting for some modern military shooter? BOOM. CoD. It's like... are they even trying over there?

I adore my PS4, but what's actually starting to make me angry, is that new PS3 aren't getting ported. Can anyone give me one good reason why Dark Souls2, South Park, etc, aren't also out for PS4? Someone got really angry and swore at me about it here a few weeks ago when I last mentioned it, telling me I was stupid

Make them extra pretty.

It makes sense for flying games. That's about it.

Now playing

A perfect example of how not to design menus: Mass Effect 3. If it's unresponsive and takes forever to load, throwing pop-up messages at the player that lag themselves, you suck at designing menus and UIs.

I STILL dont understand people who invert the Y axis. First time I sat down to a game with inverted axis I thought the controller was broken.