
Destiny gives off a Borderlands vibe to me. If you liked Borderlands, you will definitely enjoy Destiny. If Destiny and Borderlands were brothers, Borderlands would be the immature, irresponsible younger brother who's cool to hang out with while Destiny would be the responsible older brother who's good to do business

Quicksave is your most powerful magical ability.

So say attractive being like Nilin from Remember Me and hypersexualised would be the supermodels in Tera?

Now now, I didn't post the comment to flame you and I'm certainly not forcing you to find something you don't find attractive attractive. I simply made the observation and was wondering if you'd have an explanation for it because I most certainly don't.

If you've noticed, western fantasy RPGs have an unspoken rule among themselves - they never make their female characters drop dead gorgeous divas.

This is quite true for movies as well. Many of my friends will refuse to watch foreign movies no matter how good they are simply because they don't feature white dudes. I mean good Korean movies like Oldboy (and other crime drama I forget) and the more recent Indonesian hit - The Raid Redepmtion were open in theaters

I've pretty much taken that "holding my wallet" stance myself. My last couple full price games were games I knew I could get more than 20 hours from - Mass Effect 3, Fallout NV, Skyrim, Deus Ex: HR, Starbound, Guild Wars 2 and Tales of Xillia. I also bought Tomb Raider at full price but I learnt from my mistake -

Oh wow, I remember playing this mod and liking it, I thought it was abandon ware by now.

I too am genuinely scared of such hostility. Why can't we all just get along, smile, sing a song like in Disney movies?

When clicking the next button on a maximised comic, it seems to skip the very next one and goes directly to the one after that. Is it just my pc?

Problem is that this is extremely subjective. Someone might love Resonance of Fate to death and someone else might go - Ugh RPG. I absolutely love your list but I believe any gaming journalism site has to put up crowd pleasers on the list, something we can all agree is good and we know that nothing pleases 360 owners

Why dos no one release blockbusters during summer and instead release them when term starts?

I know Steam is overloaded with indies and platformers but everytime a game shows up there, I consider it a win for all :)

I had a detailed discussion regarding our growing population and the sudden increase in cancer and other diseases (inlcuding birth defects) among us with a medic friend of mine. While he did not point out vaccinations as a cause, he did say that we as a species have become "softer" with all the new tech and advances

Is the Kotaku audience into this kind of stuff? (honestly curious)

It might improve it, it'll definitely help you see further so that you don't bump into magically appearing traffic.

Then you're not true otaku, duh...

Every day in our lives we make little decisions that ultimately define who we are as a person. It may be simple things such as, "Should I brush my teeth before breakfast or after dinner?" or more complicated things such as, "Should I marry the girl who's nice to me or the attractive one?" But ultimately, no matter

This process reminds me of overpositioning in SSDs. Same thing?