
Since you had a 360 last gen, could you tell me how the PS4 controller feels compared to the 360 one? I really need someone's experienced input :)

Eventually the code will become a sentient being...

The troll is strong in this one...

The Japanese folks and their love for feminine males...

Dude, wtf, I need your gif folder...

Make PC happen SE.

I hope they don't fuck up the PC version, I really want this game to succeed :D

We are so not having this conversation...

You played one of em, you've played them all XD

We need a game with GoT morals lol.

Are you suggesting that the Himalayas are in South Africa?

I really hope the final product looks as good as this!

Well they said they would work on the load times and that Sims 4 would be less demanding than Sims 3, but it seems a little far fetched.

Yeah it sound like Casey's team is working on an MMO. I couldn't tell if it was sci fi or fantasy though.

Or worse - same gun, different levels for damage :(

On the bright side, Casey's team is NOT making this one :D

The worst part is that, witch each new expansion, the load times increase exponentially, as if the main game didn't take long enough to load :(

I hope this one lasts more than 6 hours though. Felt a bit cheated buying the previous one at full price considering the way Square Enix has been whoring their western games on sales.

Very nice roundup. Overall I'm liking the direction Phil is taking the Xbox towards. Still hate the damned timed DLCs, bad practice, wish no console did that.

The best part of the show was that the dude on stage called it Football and not Soccer.