
Ah okay, might give it another go this summer. But frankly, it sounds very time consuming :(

But the enemies level with you don't they?

Jason, it's time to admit you've got a problem...

I'd buy an Easy Mode DLC for Newcommers :(

I thought the same about the Youtube app on my PS3, but once I started using it, it was quite fun. Vine is a hilarious app, think about all the lulz you can have with it!

Because why not?

This was supposed to be funny?

Cheers buddy, I'm actually looking forward to building a new PC early next year with the new Devil's Canyon and some nvidia love :)

Yes, but I've also played AC and Splinter Cell, Watch Dogs seems to have borrowed quite a few ideas from them. I've also played GTAV and Saints Row which sort of increased my expectation from an open world sandbox type of game (the spider tank thingy feels straight out of SR). I've also played Deus Ex Human Revolution

I run an AMD GPU :'( I really wish I had nVidia's adaptive vsync! You can't force vsync through CCC on AMD cards, I mean there is the option, but nothing happens, weird.

Yeah I know about this fix, but I really can't tolerate the screen tear that comes with v-sync off :(

How is this even legal?

AC4 is locked at 30fps on the PC. I play on the PC to enjoy better resolutions and get 60 fps.

When lowering your resolution doesn't change your FPS, getting into the game becomes difficult due to Uplay, getting even worse performance on AMD cards, you know that its not your fault but the game's.

This cracked me up so hard, glad someone else saw the humour too XD

Even a Deus Ex style close range stun gun would've been fun.

I just fucking deleted it. I'll be focusing on non Ubi titles until they get their shit together make games that actually bloody work. AC3, 4, Splinter Cell Conviction, every Ubi game runs like poo on the PC no matter your rig.

I don't get it, the game had so long to "polish" itself and we still get this piece of shit?

He's probably complaining because he owns most games lol.

Hacking with a click of the button, good old NSA.