
Genius haha.

Nerd. lol

I just like shooting things till they stop moving.

Log in to Guild Wars 2 for some lolz.

Thank you for making me unproductive for the rest of the day.

Very well put. If you think like that, a lot of their policies make sense.

He's obviously referring to all the TV jokes that were made at the Xbone revelation lol.

It's a bit too late, the damage has been done :( My dream console would be the PS4 with the Xbone controller :D

I'm surprised we haven't got a movie-game tie up for Noah. That should sate everyone's animal simulation itch lol.

Haha this is amazing, I have a PS3 and I had to make a tough choice between Lightning Returns and X HD. I went with Lightning Returns, got the Limited Edition, I don't regret it, the Japanese voices DLC is so worth it. Finally Lightning doesn't sound like that kid from class who'd cut herself if things didn't go her

Didn't you hear? It's a free to play mobile game in Japan atm, surely will come here in the same format. Get your wallet ready.

Do you have sauce on this?

People are so civil these days. Lol, what can you do?

Too bad for you, I actually am a researching scientist working with viruses. Go back to school or something dude.

Well I'm glad you're not a researching scientist.

That makes sense!

Oh haha, I never encountered this dude in Civ V, I always ran into Gandhi or Queen Elizabeth and had my kingdom invaded.

Lol no he doesn't save humanity. You think a baby born in that world has a shot of surviving? Lol, do you even know the shots you were given as a baby to protect you from diseases? Do you realise that if not the fungal infection of Last of Us, there's a hundred other diseases that can kill a baby if not properly

I don't get it?

Words of wisdom my friend.